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When comparing PIM-DM and PIM-SM, which multicast components are only found with PIM-SM in multicast routing? (Choose two.)
Answer: B,E
An administrator has an aggregation layer of 8325CX switches configured as a VSX pair. The administrator is concerned that when OSPF network changes occur, the aggregation switches will respond to the changes slowly, and this will affect network connectivity, especially VoIP calls, in the connected access layer switches.
What should the administrator do on the aggregation layer switches to alleviate this issue?D18912E1457D5D1DDCBD40AB3BF70D5D
Answer: D
"BFD tests the connectivity between two IP addresses in a BFD session. BFD reports when connectivity is lost. The router (or routing switch) can then use that information to take the appropriate actions, depending on the functions to which you have tied BFD"
A network engineer is examining NAE graphs from the Dashboard but notices that the time shown in the graph does not represent the current time. The engineer verifies that the AOS-CX switch is configured for NTP and is successfully synchronized. What should be done to fix this issue?
Answer: B
Examine the attached diagram.
The two PCs are located in VLAN 11 ( Which example defines how to implement active gateway on the VSX core for VLAN 11?
Answer: D
Examine the following AOS-CX switch configuration:
Which access control entries would allow web traffic to the web servers and
Answer: B
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