BTW, DOWNLOAD part of ValidVCE ASM dumps from Cloud Storage: Passing the EXIN Agile Scrum Master ASM exam is your best career opportunity. The rich experience with relevant certificates is important for enterprises to open up a series of professional vacancies for your choices. Our EXIN ASM learning quiz bank and learning materials look up the latest ASM questions and answers based on the topics you choose.
The EXIN Agile Scrum Master Certification includes only one ASM certification exam.
EXIN Agile Scrum Master ASM Exam is related to EXIN Agile Scrum Master Certification. This exam validates a candidate professional blend knowledge and skills of the Agile framework and Scrum methodology. It also deals with the ability to how to work together to successfully reach a goal and how to use Agile methodologies that are popular approaches in software development. This exam tests the candidate skills of adopting Agile or Scrum in the workplace and taking on the role of Scrum Master. Project Managers, Software developers, and IT Service Managers usually hold or pursue this certification and you can expect the same job roles after completion of this certification. >> ASM Latest Dumps Ppt <<
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Which of the following best defines the team velocity metric used to measure team performance?
Answer: A
Velocity measures how many user stories were completed by the team, on average, in previous sprints. It assists in estimating how much work the team is able to accomplish in future sprints.
To ensure that there is no gap between the customer's expectation from the project, and the deliverables produced, the Scrum Master has to eliminate environmental obstructions that the team may face, that may affect the quality of the deliverables. To do so, apart from Quality Planning, the team has to ensure Quality Control, and Quality Assurance. Which of the following statements is true regarding Quality Assurance and Quality Control?
Answer: D
Quality control refers to the execution of the planned quality activities by the Scrum Team in the process of creating deliverables that are potentially shippable. It also includes learning from each set of completed activities in order to achieve continuous improvement. Within the cross-functional team, it is important to have the skills necessary to perform quality control activities. During the Sprint Retrospect Meeting, team members discuss lessons learned. These lessons act as inputs into continuous improvement and contribute to the improvement of ongoing quality control.
Quality is required not only in products, but also in processes. Quality assurance refers to the evaluation of processes and standards that govern quality management in a project to ensure that they continue to be relevant. Quality assurance activities are carried out as part of the work. In fact, quality assurance is a significant factor of the definition of Done. The deliverable isn't complete if appropriate quality assurance has not been conducted. Often, quality assurance is demonstrated during the Sprint Review Meeting.
A team struggles to keep the sprint planning meeting within the timebox. They spend a lot of time on planning the work to finish their sprint within the expected timeframe Who should ensure the meeting stays within the timebox?
Answer: C
Which of the following is true about a Prioritized Product Backlog?
Answer: D
The more uncertainty exists in a project, the riskier the project is. Therefore, it is important that riskier products in the Prioritized Product Backlog are given higher priority. Products carrying a higher level of risk will also require risk mitigation actions. When these risk mitigation actions are prioritized against the backlog, the result is a Risk Adjusted Product Backlog. Dealing with risks early in the project does not guarantee that the project will be successful, but it does enhance the team's ability to deal with risk.
The Scrum Team along with the Scrum Master adopted the Fist of Five technique to arrive at accurate estimations for the prioritized User Stories. The results of the vote of each team member are as follows: three members: 2 fingers; four members: 3 fingers; and two members: 5 fingers. Which of the following options is in plurality?
Answer: A
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