Do. you have questions about credit? Like, for example, what happens to your credit when you pay off a student loan, or student loans go into extended forbearance because of a worldwide economic crisis? How do you help a friend build their credit without risking yours?
Or why should you even care about credit scores? Or what happens to your credit when you get married? What happens if you move countries?
Well! Good news! This Saturday’s livestream is all about credit scores. Hopefully, we will all have power, internet, and clean water in order to actually talk about credit scores.
Please drop your questions below! or email if you need/want them to be anonymous
As always, Patron questions get priority. You can DM your question on Patreon if you want to make sure I see it!
Thank you for the informative video! I think it will be beneficial for beginners in the field of economics. In your future videos, you can talk about other financial instruments. For example, about factoring companies I advise you to read this article before writing the plot for the video. Unfortunately, such services are very rarely talked about. It seems to me that this doesn't seem right. Some companies can save their situation if they sign contracts with a factoring company. No one is immune from irresponsible suppliers. I hope that I will see new videos on the channel soon!