Forums » Discussions » Apple's Federighi is against sideloading apps in a single keynote issue.


Craig Federighi, Apple's head of software engineering, took the stage at the 2021 Web Summit to raise a list of grievances that contravene the proposed requirements for sideloaded apps on iPhone, describing the practice as an "unfair challenge". "Gold Rush for the Malware Industry"

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It's a subject for discussion, not just because there's a lively discussion on the topic (although it does), but because the EU's Digital Markets Act, if it operates as it currently requires. It might dictate a way to put apps on iPhone that bypasses Apple's long-standing app store and review process.

CEO Tim Cook has made the company's position (Obviously against this) was introduced in June. When he said that this rule may So it came as no surprise that Federighi backed the boss. But his full on-stage dedication to a series of misleading and totally unchallenged affirmations left the audience feeling hopeless.

Apple's method of manually checking each app and updating it is problematic in itself. but for malware protection purposes. It's a pretty good solution — it's fair to say. But one thing to say that your method is better is one thing to say that other methods shouldn't be allowed at all.

There is a clear consensus. And this is sideloading that undermines security and puts people's data at risk,” he said. But it's not the only consensus. There is also a consensus among developers and users – not to mention antitrust authorities – that Apple has spent a handful in the iOS app market, which long ago has become more of a deterrent than an asset in the global marketplace.