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Amazon AWS Certified SAP - Solutions Architect Exam is aimed at candidates who work in organizations that are using SAP or related solutions like Oracle, SQL Server, Teradata, Informatica, PeopleSoft. AWS Certified SAP - Solutions Architect is designed to help candidates prepare for the exam. Meet the needs of your organization when they need them.Availability and Scalability; Set up and configure AWS services, Use AWSPackage, AWS Command Line Tools, Kinesis, and S3 to set up the Foundation for the IaaS. Selecting the correct volume of resources to run your application; Create and configure Elastic Load Balancing (ELB), AWS Traditional Elastic Load Balancing (ELB), and AWS PrivateLink.
An AWS customer has a web application that runs on premises. The web application fetches data from a third-party API that is behind a firewall. The third party accepts only one public CIDR block in each client's allow list.
The customer wants to migrate their web application to the AWS Cloud. The application will be hosted on a set of Amazon EC2 instances behind an Application Load Balancer (ALB) in a VPC. The ALB is located in public subnets. The EC2 instances are located in private subnets. NAT gateways provide internet access to the private subnets.
How should a solutions architect ensure that the web application can continue to call the third-parly API after the migration?
Answer: C
When EC2 instances reach third-party API through internet, their privates IP addresses will be masked by NAT Gateway public IP address.
A Solutions Architect is designing a highly available and reliable solution for a cluster of Amazon EC2 instances.
The Solutions Architect must ensure that any EC2 instance within the cluster recovers automatically after a system failure. The solution must ensure that the recovered instance maintains the same IP address.
How can these requirements be met?
Answer: A
A company uses AWS Organizations to manage one parent account and nine member accounts The number of member accounts is expected to grow as the business grows A security engineer has requested consolidation of AWS CloudTrail logs into me parent account for compliance purposes Existing logs currently stored in Amazon S3 buckets in each individual member account should not be lost Future member accounts should comply with the logging strategy Which operationally efficient solution meets these requirements?
Answer: C
A company runs a memory-intensive analytics application using on-demand Amazon EC2 compute optimized instance. The application is used continuously and application demand doubles during working hours. The application currently scales based on CPU usage. When scaling in occurs, a lifecycle hook is used because the instance requires 4 minutes to clean the application state before terminating.
Because users reported poor performance during working hours, scheduled scaling actions were implemented so additional instances would be added during working hours. The Solutions Architect has been asked to reduce the cost of the application.
Which solution is MOST cost-effective?
Answer: C
A Solutions Architect needs to design a highly available application that will allow authenticated users to stay connected to the application even when there are underlying failures.
Which solution will meet these requirements?
Answer: B
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