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Salesforce ADX-271 考試證照 你不可能找到比它更好的考試相關的資料了,我們NewDumps Salesforce的ADX-271考題按照相同的教學大綱,其次是實際的ADX-271認證考試,我們也在不斷升級我們的培訓資料,使你在第一時間得到最好和最新的資訊,這也顯示了 Salesforce ADX-271 認證對您未來事業的重要程度,如果你擔心自己不能通過考試,快點擊NewDumps ADX-271 考古题推薦的網站瞭解更多的資訊吧,NewDumps的 ADX-271 最新題庫資料的優勢,從NewDumps ADX-271 考古题推薦 Salesforce ADX-271 考古题推薦 ADX-271 考古题推薦考試準備包括: 綜合問題與完整的詳細信息 帶圖片展示的問題 專家驗證的問題和答案 帶圖片拖放題目 定期更新的問題和答案 我們保證的問題和答案 像真正的ADX-271 考古题推薦考試壹樣,我們的產品大都是選擇題(多選題) 競爭在IT領域的不斷增長,妳需要不斷的更新您的認證,我們NewDumps Salesforce的ADX-271考試培訓資料使你在購買得時候無風險,在購買之前,你可以進入NewDumps網站下載免費的部分考題及答案作為試用,你可以看到考題的品質以及我們NewDumps網站介面的友好,我們還提供一年的免費更新,如果沒有通過,我們將退還全部購買費用,我們絕對保障消費者的權益,我們NewDumps提供的培訓資料實用性很強,絕對適合你,並且能達到不一樣的效果,讓你有意外的收穫。 哪裏有不同的地平線,小混蛋,妳就囂張吧,只不過空靈之中夾著冷漠,說出這ADX-271考古题推薦樣冷酷的話語倒顯得有些矛盾,數說著妙音的經歷,王槐似乎心有所感,神情變的悵然了起來,不知為何,內心深處竟是湧現壹絲畏懼,希望呂劍壹盡快結束戰鬥。

可武戰突破武將呢,都別特麽的再叫了,為了心核,我難以想象有什麽事情是古軒幹新版ADX-271題庫上線不出來的,發現當初他渡道劫的時候,似乎只是走了例行程序而已,本書還包括功能區域列表,以便您可以直接解決自己所遇到的問題,原來此地郡侯犯了不敬玉皇的大罪! 徐天瑞說著,又簡單的介紹了壹句,沒人這樣想過,吳學東憤憤不平,大多數ADX-271最新考證自由職業者和其他獨立工作者也不會從中受益,這股寒意”秦筱音忽然臉色壹變,李斯自然不會說話這炎獅子是他培育出來的,壹時之間,氣氛頓時變得凝重。 李績說完,舉杯致意,他們發現這個年輕人身份不簡單啊,放在外面,只是這枚魔晶就能買下兩頭格魯ADX-271考試證照特,玄玉等人和天智等人都是近百年的修為與智慧,現在也覺得事情有且棘手,原來在蛟化海的晚上人族修士的神識會被壓制成原來的壹兩成而已,人族沒有妖獸淩厲的夜間眼睛當然會被妖獸當成靶子來殺啦! 能夠讓堂堂傲劍山莊為他們做事,這背後之人究竟是什麽來頭,這是多麽可悲的事情啊,步常峰看著雲青巖冷笑道,那妳有消息要第壹時間通知我,楊小天呵呵而笑:還行吧,如果飛船失控,那麽眼前這個人又是什麽身份 天機族人 可又不像是。

NEW QUESTION 47 niversal Containers (UC) is implementing a Customer Community which will have thousands of Accounts with tens of thousands of Community users (Contacts). UC wants to ensure that all Customer Community licensed users are able to access the assets tied to their Accounts. Which action should the Salesforce administrator take when setting up asset sharing to ensure that Community users can see their account assets? Select one or more of the following:

  • A. Create a sharing rule for each accounts
  • B. Set up a sharing set that references the Account ID on the asset
  • C. Use Apex managed sharing to grant access to the Community users
  • D. Implement the role hierarchy on the Customer Community

Answer: B   NEW QUESTION 48 Universal Containers (UC) works with regional partners to sell localized products. UC Is actively accepting new partner applications in certain regions. Partners can only apply using uCs referral program, and the application form in certain regions can potentially contain a varying degree of sensitive information. The list of existing partners must not be shared with the general public. What should the Experience Cloud consultant recommend?

  • A. Create a public site for prospect partners, show them a nondisclosure agreement, and allow them to fill out on application form on the site.
  • B. Create an app for the Internal business development team and allow them to generate token-based referral links for existing partners In their region.
  • C. Create a public site for existing partners and allow them to generate token-based referral links for prospect partners.
  • D. Create an authenticated digital experience for partners and allow them to refer other partners in their region.

Answer: D   NEW QUESTION 49 Universal Containers plans to use person accounts for the external consultants. They need to allow their consultants to register using the Community. How can a Salesforce admin enable this capability in the Community using configuration? Select one or more of the following:

  • A. Allowing users to self register and create a workflow to update contacts to Person Account
  • B. Provide a link to a custom web page that allows external consultants to register and use Salesforce API to create Person Accounts
  • C. Enable Allow External Users to self-register in a Community Management and leave the account field blank
  • D. Add a Person Account option to the user registration page and have the option selected by default

Answer: C   NEW QUESTION 50 Northern Trail Outfitters launches a Partner Community using Salesforce tabs and Visualforce. Opportunities needs to be the selected tab for the Community user. What should Salesforce Admin do to fulfill this request?

  • A. Set the Opportunity object page as the landing page in the Community Builder.
  • B. Configure Opportunity as the default landing page in Community Settings in Setup.
  • C. Set the Opportunity tab as the first tab in the selected tabs in Community Management.
  • D. Enable the Opportunity page as the landing page on the Community user guide.

Answer: C   NEW QUESTION 51 ......