Forums » Discussions » Advantages of a West Facing House by Agnitrafoundation


Vastu Shastra is a synonym for joyful living environments. Since the dawn of human civilization, the house was considered a sacred object. Houses were built by our ancestors according to various patterns and specifications. These patterns were not created randomly, but are the result of many deliberations. These ancient techniques are further developed through time and the knowledge of different sages. This is how Vastu Science evolves over time. This is crucial for creating a positive home environment. This pious scientific approach is what Agnitra foundation, with its Vastu experts serving the Vastu needs society run by Dr. Ganesh Dubey. They offer a variety of practical and accessible designs, including west-facing house Vastu plans,east facing house Vastu plans by agnitra foundation, and similar for houses facing in other directions.

Most people consider building or renovating their home a life-changing experience. This Science will make it easier to build a house. It will also help create a relaxing environment in your home. Good vibrations around a home can help to resolve problems or create a relaxing environment. The Indian Vastu Shastra addresses all aspects of house construction, including design, layout, measurements and ground preparation. To give your house a Vastu touch, you only need to make a few minor modifications or changes in the basic architecture. It is not something that can be done by anyone. Agnitra foundation has Vastu specialists to offer Vastu design in various directions, such as west facing house Vastu plans, etc.