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Adobe AD0-E710 Exam Syllabus Topics:

Topic Details
Topic 1
  • Understand the difference between extending
  • merging and overriding XML
  • Demonstrate the ability to utilize layout XML instructions

Topic 2
  • Given a set of use cases, identify when to place files in app
  • code or app
  • design
  • Demonstrate the ability to create a new theme

Topic 3
  • Differentiate the appropriate use case for deploy modes
  • Demonstrate the usage of basic bin
  • magento commands

Topic 4
  • Apply template security (escaping output)
  • Demonstrate how to pass and utilize arguments to templates

Topic 5
  • Demonstrate the ability to implement and customize LESS library components
  • Identify the purpose of styles-m.less, styles-l.less, print.less

Topic 6
  • Describe interactions between UI components
  • Describe the difference between specific partial files

Topic 7
  • Apply design changes to categories, products and CMS pages using admin configuration
  • Admin configuration and PageBuilder

Topic 8
  • Explain the hierarchy of styles ( lib, modules, themes)
  • Demonstrate the ability to implement different types of mixins

Topic 9
  • Demonstrate ability to apply translations
  • Describe Adobe Commerce theme folder structure and how it relates to folder based themes

Topic 10
  • Demonstrate the ability to override or extend Magento LESS
  • Identify the differences between client-side vs server-side compilation and how it works

Topic 11
  • Demonstrate the usage of admin development tools
  • Demonstrate the usage of content management

Topic 12
  • Demonstrate ability to customize transactional emails
  • Theme management (Theme hierarchy, image configuration, translations)

Topic 13
  • Distinguish use cases for different JavaScript components
  • Demonstrate the usage of jQuery widgets

>> AD0-E710 Exam Exercise <<

AD0-E710 Valid Test Fee - New AD0-E710 Test Topics

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Adobe Commerce Front-End Developer Expert Sample Questions (Q10-Q15):

An Adobe Commerce developer needs to display a URL in the template. How would the variable $ur1 be securely output in the template?

  • A.
  • B.
  • C.

Answer: C
An Adobe Commerce developer was asked to customize a JavaScript component which is written as a function.
How would the developer extend the native JavaScript function?

  • A.
  • B.
  • C.

Answer: C
An Adobe commerce developer wants to initialize a JavaScript component using a data attribute. Which option would initialize the JavaScript component?

  • A. <nav data-init=' {<component_name>''; {...}}'></nav>
  • B. <nav data-bind=''{<component_name>'': {...}} '><?nav>
  • C. <nav data-mage-init=' {''<component_name>'':{....}}'></nav>

Answer: C
An Adobe Commerce developer has been asked to move a block called country from the container sidebar to the container content, the block has to be the last child on the content container.
Which layout instruction would be used to move the block?

  • A.
  • B.
  • C.

Answer: C
An Adobe Commerce developer has been asked to customize a product page layout. What are two valid layout handles? (Choose two.)

  • A. catalogproductviewname[product name]
  • B. catalogproductviewtype[product name]
  • C. catalogproductviewid[id]
  • D. catalogproductview

Answer: A,D
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