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How to study the Adobe AD0-E117: Adobe Experience Manager Architect Master Exam

We have a huge team of Adobes experts that create AD0-E117 examination questions on a regular basis and update the study material so that the Adobe Experience Manager AD0-E117 test will not be ambiguous to our customers. We think that consumer comfort and our primary objective is customer happiness. Furthermore, we cannot compromise the pleasure of the client at any cost Test4Sure provide the standard ultimate Adobe AD0-E117 exam dumps that contain not only questions, but also their answers to make learning easier for our students. For the clearing of the Adobe Experience Management Designer Master AD0-E117 test, we offer all. Our team of experts has the expertise to increase the trust of our customers in order to achieve mental contentment, which eventually will assist them to pass the Adobe AD0-E117 test in the first try. Our customers need just look at the Adobes AD0-E117 examination PDF questions produced by our IT specialists and record the AD0 E117 assessment for the first time. Professionals in certificate questions and experienced employees have done another wonderful thing for our customer support. The question and answer sessions were held before our customers took part in the actual Adobe AD0-E117 test in order to have an idea of the Adobe Experience Director Master's examination and to sit with confidence in the AD0-E117 examination. Not only that, our team of professionals also work on time assessments, helping our clients to learn more about time management while taking part in the actual Adobe Experience Manager Architect Master Architect AD0-E117 examination, so that they will not feel some ambiguity when appearing in the real examination when the deadline is met. It not only offers our students' confidence, but also energy and the capacity to pass the certification test AD0-E117 without much effort and, finally, productive skills for our clients and success at the test Adobe AD0-E117. The highly skilled and experienced team for certificate questions offers the standard quality Adobe AD0-E117 exam dumps and our team delivers the finest solutions which assist our customers study more and comprehend better. It is very simple to discover our structural responses. This will assist our customers rectify their errors and will surely help them to record what they wanted for so long once our newest Adobe Experience Manager Master AD0-E117 dumping is done just once. This helps students not to repeat errors in the actual examination too.

How to Prepare For Adobe AD0-E117: Adobe Experience Manager Architect Master Exam

Preparation Guide for the Adobe AD0-E117: Adobe Experience Manager Architect Master Exam Introduction Adobe offers us the finest software in the world under one roof. It offers a broad variety of software, which any IT specialist requires. Adobe offers us various applications such as graphic design, multimedia, office work (edit and publish), software for picture and video editors, and printers. It is the truth of the world's millions of users. Thanks to international software, Adobe emerges every day in the technological world. Adobe Cloud specialists make millions of dollars. You may establish your own company and make healthy money with an experience in one of Adobe's software. All certification issues covered by our various Adobe software Adobe AD0-E117 exam dumps, offered by Adobe: Adobe Web designs, Adobe Graphics designs, Adobe Video editing, Adobe Digital Marketing Programs, Adobe Documents Format, Adobe e-learning programs, Adobe Server Software and 3D and 4D video and photo editing applications. As you know, Adobe is a global software business and has given us with world-class editing and office applications. If you have the abilities to write, direct video, music and IT, and the desire to polish your talents and the finest tools to work, then Adobe is one of the best. Adobe accreditation in the software business has significant value. You may start your job in the city and use your abilities to get a certification. Your IT abilities are excellent in many areas. This certification is suggested for freelancers, who are designed to provide first-rate work to our Adobe AD0-E117 exam dumps. I suggest you very skilled and communicative Adobe certification. And shine your future. Adobe is committed to delivering our employers the finest software solutions in the globe. To create your bright future, Adobe provides a broad variety of online certifying programs. >> AD0-E117 Exam Questions Answers <<

Reliable AD0-E117 Exam Tutorial & Test AD0-E117 Passing Score

Everybody hopes he or she is a successful man or woman no matter in his or her social life or in his or her career. Thus owning an authorized and significant AD0-E117 certificate is very important for them because it proves that he or she boosts practical abilities and profound knowledge in some certain area. Passing AD0-E117 Certification can help they be successful and if you are one of them please buy our AD0-E117 guide torrent because they can help you pass the AD0-E117 exam easily and successfully.

Adobe Experience Manager Architect Master Sample Questions (Q16-Q21):

A client is in the discovery process for building a React native app, which is a single codebase that runs natively on iOS and Android. The goal is to reduce development costs. The client wants to reduce content creation costs in the new react Native app by reusing as much of the marketing content already publish in their AEM instance.
What should the Architect recommend to meet this requirement?

  • A. Experience Fragments
  • B. OSGi Bundles
  • C. Content Fragments
  • D. Sling Resource Resolution

Answer: D
During the implementation of a public-facing website based on AEM as a Cloud Service, the customer raises an additional requirement to have a commenting functionality for end users implemented on the pages.
What should the Architect do to make the design a future proof solution?

  • A. Integrate a third-party solution to store comments externally
  • B. Use MongoDB as provided with AEM as a Cloud Service to store the comments
  • C. Save comments in JCR and leverage reverse replication to synchronize comments via author
  • D. Save comments in JCR and leverage Sling Distribution to synchronize comments between publishers

Answer: A Explanation:
"integrating a third-party solution to store comments externally can provide a future proof solution that does not depend on AEM as a Cloud Service limitations or changes".
A client is in the discovery process for building a React native app, which is a single codebase that runs natively on iOS and Android. The goal is to reduce development costs. The client wants to reduce content creation costs in the new react Native app by reusing as much of the marketing content already publish in their AEM instance.
What should the Architect recommend to meet this requirement?

  • A. Experience Fragments
  • B. Sling Resource Resolution
  • C. OSGi Bundles
  • D. Content Fragments

Answer: A Explanation:
"Experience Fragments are reusable pieces of content that can be delivered to any channel, including React native apps. They allow for reusing marketing content already published in AEM".
A customer has a website with 10,000 pages and wants to improve performance. Which option should be used?

  • A. Advise to use URL parameters instead of sling selectors
  • B. Decrease .stat file level from the default
  • C. Specify a wildcard allow rule in the invalidate section
  • D. Increase .stat file level from the default

Answer: A
A client designs a new experience for one of their brand sites with the following parameters:
* The new experience should behave like a desktop application
* There is a lot of dynamic content in the app
* SEO and initial page load are a top concern for the client
* The client's marketing team needs to be able to author the content with a WYSIWYG editor Which approach should the Architect use to meet these requirements?

  • A. Use the SPA Editor SDK with Server Side Rendering
  • B. Use the traditional server side components on the website
  • C. Use AEM as a headless CMS
  • D. Create a set of API-driven components

Answer: A Explanation:
"the SPA Editor SDK with Server Side Rendering allows for creating dynamic web applications that behave like desktop applications while also supporting SEO and initial page load performance. It also enables marketing teams to author content with a WYSIWYG editor".
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