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SoftConsole is a PC-based Windows application for Avaya IP Office. Which license is required?
Answer: D
Which two time settings are available for the IP Office Server Edition? (Choose two.)
Answer: D,E
The two time settings available for the IP Office Server Edition are an internal clock, manually set and time given by a time server on the network. Time derived from the Manager PC, automatic setting by the Clocking on T1 or SIP Trunks, and a wizard in the Manager program are not available for the IP Office Server Edition.
Avaya IP Office (
Avaya IP Office Server Edition (
The Application Server is used to support the Avaya IP Office Web Client functionalities for an IP500V2 system.
What is the correct syntax to access the web client using a web browser?
Answer: A
The Application Server is used to support the Avaya IP Office Web Client functionalities for an IP500V2 system. The correct syntax to access the web client using a web browser is https://<ip address>:9443/webclient. This is according to the Avaya IP Office documentation (
Which statement about the Manager Application for IP Office Server Edition is true?
Answer: B
The statement that is true about the Manager Application for IP Office Server Edition is that Manager has been fully ported to Web Management. The Manager Application for IP Office Server Edition is an application that allows administrators to manage and configure their IP Office Server Edition system. The application has been fully ported to the Web Management platform, which provides a web-based GUI for administrators to manage their servers. This allows administrators to access their servers from anywhere with an internet connection.
After the installation of Avaya Equinox Client on a User's Computer has been completed, which User Information is needed when the client is configured manually?
Answer: B
After the installation of Avaya Equinox Client on a User's Computer has been completed, the User's Name and Password are needed when the client is configured manually. The User's Name is the name or alias that the user will use to log into the client, and the Password is a secure passphrase that will be used for authentication. The User's Extension and Login Code are not needed when configuring the Equinox Client manually.
Avaya Equinox Client (
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