What's more, part of that Prep4sureGuide 5V0-42.21 dumps now are free: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Z3ojf-ABVXcYsqOQ99KZ34ECiReendmA The language of our 5V0-42.21 qualification test guide is simple. The learners may come from many social positions and their abilities to master our 5V0-42.21 test materials are varied. Based on this consideration we apply the most simple and easy-to-be-understood language to help the learners no matter he or she is the students or the in-service staff, the novice or the experienced employee which have worked for many years. 5V0-42.21 Certification guide use the simple language to explain the answers and detailed knowledge points to help pass the 5V0-42.21 exam.
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A VMware SD-WAN customer has a requirement to enable single sign-on (SSO) authentication to their existing provider (idp) for access to their Orchestrator account.
Which authentication protocol is supported?
Answer: A
A customer is using VMware vSphere in their data center. An administrator is asked to deploy SD-WAN Edges for a Proof of Concept as soon as possible.
Which deployment option is the roost cost and time effective?
Answer: C
Which feature is required to prevent a split-brain condition for a branch in an Enhanced HA
Answer: B
A network architect from a service provider is designing an architecture using a VMware SD-WAN Partner Gateway handoff.
Which dynamic routing protocol should the engineering choose?
Answer: C
A customer is using hypervisor to install VMware Partner Gateways.
Which two hypervisors may be used? (Choose two.)
Answer: A,C
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