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Examine this list of software components:
1. Oracle KVM Guest
2. Oracle Enterprise Manager Agent (OMA)
3. ASM instance
4. RDBMS instance
5. Automatic Diagnostic Repository Command Interpreter (ADRCI)
7. Cell Server(CELLSRV)
8. diskmon
9. Restart Server (RS)
10. Management Server (MS)
What is the correct location where these software components can run in the standard Exadata Database Machine deployment?
Answer: A
Oracle KVM Guest: This is a virtual machine that runs on top of Oracle Linux KVM hypervisor. It can be used to run Oracle Database or other applications on Exadata Database Machine2. Therefore, it runs on the Database Servers.
Oracle Enterprise Manager Agent (OMA): This is a software agent that communicates with Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control and provides monitoring and management capabilities for Exadata Database Machine2. Therefore, it runs on both Database Servers and Storage Servers.
ASM instance: This is an instance of Oracle Automatic Storage Management (ASM), which is a volume manager and a file system for Oracle Database files. It manages disk groups that span across multiple Storage Servers2. Therefore, it runs on the Database Servers.
RDBMS instance: This is an instance of Oracle Database that processes SQL statements and executes transactions. It uses ASM disk groups to store data files, control files, redo log files, etc2. Therefore, it runs on the Database Servers.
Automatic Diagnostic Repository Command Interpreter (ADRCI): This is a command-line tool that enables you to view diagnostic data stored in the Automatic Diagnostic Repository (ADR). ADR is a file-based repository for database diagnostic data such as trace files, alert logs, etc2. Therefore, ADRCI runs on both Database Servers and Storage Servers, depending on where the ADR is located.
CELLCLI: This is a command-line interface that enables you to configure and manage Exadata Storage Server Software. It allows you to perform tasks such as creating disk groups, monitoring cell health, applying patches, etc2. Therefore, it runs on the Storage Servers.
Cell Server(CELLSRV): This is a process that runs on each Storage Server and handles I/O requests from the Database Servers. It implements Exadata Smart Scan , which offloads data-intensive SQL operations from the Database Servers to the Storage Servers2. Therefore, it runs on the Storage Servers.
diskmon: This is a process that monitors the status of disks and flash devices on each Storage Server. It reports disk failures and performs automatic disk reclamation2. Therefore, it runs on the Storage Servers.
Restart Server (RS): This is a process that manages automatic restarts of critical processes such as CELLSRV , MS , or OMA in case of failures. It also handles graceful shutdowns and startups of all processes on each server2. Therefore, it runs on both Database Servers and Storage Servers.
Management Server (MS): This is a process that provides management services for each server such as collecting metrics , logging events , executing commands from CELLCLI , etc2. Therefore, it runs on both Database Servers and Storage Servers
Which two statements are true about the initial storage configuration after the standard (non-virtualized) deployment of a new Exadata Database Machine with High Capacity storage servers?
Answer: A,B
According to the Oracle Exadata Database Machine Technical Architecture1, the initial storage configuration after the standard (non-virtualized) deployment of a new Exadata Database Machine with High Capacity storage servers includes two ASM disk groups: DATA<DBMName> and RECO<DBMNAME>. These disk groups are built on hard disks and flash disks inside the Exadata Storage Servers1.
The correct statements about this configuration are:
Option D: There is free space available on flashdisks inside the Exadata storage servers for possible use for storage indexes. Storage indexes are a feature of Exadata Storage Software that can improve query performance by avoiding unnecessary I/O operations. Storage indexes use a small amount of flash memory to store metadata about data blocks stored on disk1.
Option E: There is free space available on flashdisks inside the Exadata storage servers to configure Exadata Smart Flash Logs. Exadata Smart Flash Logs are another feature of Exadata Storage Software that can improve database performance by using flash memory as an extension of the database redo log buffer. This can reduce latency and increase throughput for redo log writes1.
You want to monitor how a large production table is accessed. Especially, you are interested to see how the access on that particular table leverages the benefits of the Exadata Platform.
Which two actions are NOT appropriate for that purpose?
Answer: A,B
1. Querying VSSYSTEMEVENTS for the event 'cell physical IO interconnect bytes returned by smart scan' will not be appropriate for monitoring the access on a particular table. The V$SYSTEMEVENT view is used to monitor system-wide performance statistics, not specific table access. C. Querying v$SYSTAT for the statistic 'cell smart table scan' will not be appropriate for monitoring the access on a particular table as well. The v$SYSTAT view contains system-wide performance statistics, not specific table access.
Which two quarantine types can disable Smart Scan for multiple databases that offload SQL statements to a cell on an Exadata Database Machine?
Answer: A,C
Which two of the following network connection types can be deployed on the client network ports of an Exadata X9M-2 Database Server?
Answer: B,D
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He has recently spent a semester as a visiting professor at the University of L'Aquila in Italy, All questions and answers of 1Z0-902 learning guide are tested by professionals who have passed the 1Z0-902 exam. GetValidTest Products If you are not satisfied with your 1Z0-902 Reliable Exam Book GetValidTest purchase, you may return or exchange the purchased product within the first forty-eight (48) hours (the "Grace Period") after the product activation (https://www.getvalidtest.com/1Z0-902-exam.html) key has been entered, provided the activation occurred within thirty (30) days from the date of purchase. In other words, your investments with GetValidTest Links to an external site, That means if you fail the exam or the dumps have no use so that you fail, we will fully refund the money of our 1Z0-902 dumps torrent. If you find our 1Z0-902 practice test questions you will get a useful tool to help you get through exams in the shortest time.