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The Oracle 1Z0-902 Exam is an important exam for candidates. They have to study hard to pass the exam. But if you don't want to spend lots of time and energy preparing for the exam, you could get Oracle 1Z0-902 exam dumps from us. With this, you could save a lot of time and effort. You could easily practice the 1Z0-902 questions and answers, and you could also get the latest 1Z0-902 exam questions. So, you could pass the exam easily. If you are unable to read the entire syllabus, then you must read the table of contents. The table of contents of the exam will help you to find out the topics that you have to focus on for the exam. There are two ways to get the best result in the exam. One of the ways is to buy the study material. The other way is to attend the lectures of the trainers who are experienced in the field. Both the methods will help you to get the best result in the exam. These are the steps that you need to follow to prepare for the exam. If you are unable to follow the steps then you can take the help of the professional trainers. They will guide you and will help you to get the best result in the exam.
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Oracle is one of the leading companies which offers various IT certification exams. These exams are designed by the experts and they help you to secure the job in the top MNCs. The main aim of these exams is to make sure that the candidates can work in the top companies. These exams will help the candidates to get the best job in the IT sector. As per my opinion, the first step to prepare for any exam is to understand the syllabus of that exam. If you have not studied the syllabus, then you cannot make up your mind to pass the exam. In this regard, it is very important for you to read the syllabus thoroughly before preparing for the exam. Oracle 1Z0-902 exam dumps will boost your skills. The syllabus of any exam will teach you the topics that you will be tested on. So, before preparing for the exam you must read the syllabus of the exam. If you don't understand any topic, then it is better to study that topic in the class room. There is a good chance that you might fail in the exam if you don't understand the topics. For more info read reference: Oracle 1Z0-902 Exam
You use Enterprise Manager to monitor all the components of your Exadata Database Machine.
Recently, you discovered that certain asmdisks were offline in one of the diskgroups used by the rac database called prod.
In which two sources would you find diagnostic messages related to this problem?
Answer: A,B
Which three of the following options are available for database consolidation on Exadata?
Answer: B,D,F
Which two statements are true about applying updates on Exadata systems?
Answer: B,F
1. Exadata updates have a rollback feature in case the update fails, this means that the system will roll back to a previous release automatically, this applies to storage servers updates. D. Yum, the package manager used in Exadata, automatically installs a non-UEK kernel when running a regular update, this kernel can be selected to boot from grub.
I/O performance of the prod database on your Exadata Database Machine has degraded slightly over the past month. The database has been allocated to the OLTP I/O Resource Management (IORM) category.
Which two monitoring tools might be useful in examining I/O performance for the prod database?
Answer: A,B
Examine these commands:
1. Execute "crscti stop cluster -all" as the grid user from one database server.
2. Execute "crscti stop cluster -all" as root from one database server.
3. Power off all network switches.
4. Execute "crscti stop cluster" as root from one database server.
5. Execute "crscti stop cluster" as the grid user from one database server.
6. Power off the rack using the power switches on the PDUs.
7. Execute "shutdown -h now" on all database servers.
8. Execute "shutdown -h now" on all Exadata storage servers.
Which is the correct order or the required commands to completely power off an Exadata Database Machine in an orderly fashion?
Answer: B
In order to power off an Exadata Database Machine in an orderly fashion, the commands should be executed in the following order: 1) Execute "crscti stop cluster -all" as the grid user from one database server; 2) Execute "shutdown -h now" on all database servers; 3) Power off all network switches; 4) Execute "shutdown -h now" on all Exadata storage servers; and 5) Power off the rack using the power switches on the PDUs. This sequence of commands ensures that all services running on the Exadata Database Machine are in a clean state before powering off the system. (Source: Oracle Exadata Database Machine X9M Implementation Essentials, page 543)
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