合格できるOracle Oracle Accounting Hub Cloud 2022 Implementation Professional試験はいくつありますか? それらをすべて試してみてください! Xhs1991は、Oracle Accounting Hub Cloud 2022 Implementation Professional コーススペシャリストが開発した実際のOracle 1z0-1060-22の回答を含むOracle Accounting Hub Cloud 2022 Implementation Professional 1z0-1060-22試験問題への完全なアクセス権をUnlimited Access Planに提示します。 Oracle Oracle Accounting Hub Cloud 2022 Implementation Professionalテストに合格できるだけでなく、さらに良くなります! また、すべての試験の質問と回答にアクセスして、合計1800以上の試験に合格することもできます。 Oracleさまざまな種類の候補者が1z0-1060-22認定を取得する方法を見つけるために、多くの研究が行われています。 シラバスの変更および理論と実践の最新の進展に応じて、1z0-1060-22テストトレントを修正および更新します。 1z0-1060-22認定トレーニングは、厳密な分析による近年のテストと業界動向に基づいています。 したがって、お客様のOracle Accounting Hub Cloud 2022 Implementation Professionalのために、より多くの選択肢が用意されています。試験のために1z0-1060-22試験問題を選択することをお勧めします。 >> 1z0-1060-22専門試験 <<
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質問 # 73
Which two components are used as part of the accounting event model?
質問 # 74
Given the business use case:
'New Trucks' runs a fleet of trucks in a rental business In the U.S. The majority of the trucks are owned; however, in some cases, 'New Truck' may procure other trucks by renting them from third parties to their customers. When trucks are leased, the internal source code is 'L'. When trucks are owned, the internal source code is 'O'. This identifies different accounts used for the Journal entry. Customers sign a contract to initiate the truck rental for a specified duration period. The insurance fee is included in the contract and recognized over the rental period. For maintenance of the trucks, the "New Trucks* company has a subsidiary company 'Fix Trucks' that maintains its own profit and loss entity. To track all revenue, discounts, and maintenance expenses, 'New Trucks' needs to be able to view: total maintenance fee, total outstanding receivables, rental payment discounts, and total accrued and recognized insurance fee income.
How do you pass the calculated value for discount amounts in accounting rules to the corresponding journal line?
質問 # 75
You have recently registered a new source system and now the customer wants you to add another event type within this source system. What is the correct method to add another event type?
質問 # 76
Given the business use case:
'New Trucks' runs a fleet of trucks in a rental business In the U.S. The majority of the trucks are owned; however, In some cases, 'New Truck' may procure other trucks by renting them from third parties to their customers. When trucks are leased, the Internal source code is 'L'. When trucks are owned, the internal source code is 'O'. This identifies different accounts used for the Journal entry. Customers sign a contract to initiate the truck rental for a specified duration period. The insurance fee is included in the contract and recognized over the rental period. For maintenance of the trucks, the "New Trucks* company has a subsidiary company 'Fix Trucks' that maintains its own profit and loss entity. To track all revenue, discounts, and maintenance expenses, 'New Trucks' needs to be able to view: total maintenance fee, total outstanding receivables, rental payment discounts, and total accrued and recognized insurance fee income. 'New Trucks' and' Fix Trucks' are located in the same country and share chart-of accounts and accounting conventions.
How many ledgers are required to be set up?
質問 # 77
Given the business requirement in the use case:
'New Trucks' runs a fleet of trucks in a rental business In the U.S. The majority of the trucks are owned; however, in some cases, 'New Truck' may procure other trucks by renting them from third parties to their customers. When trucks are leased, the internal source code is 'L'. When trucks are owned, the internal source code is 'O'. This identifies different accounts used for the Journal entry. Customers sign a contract to initiate the truck rental for a specified duration period. The insurance fee is included in the contract and recognized over the rental period. For maintenance of the trucks, the "New Trucks* company has a subsidiary company 'Fix Trucks' that maintains its own profit and loss entity. To track all revenue, discounts, and maintenance expenses, 'New Trucks' needs to be able to view: total maintenance fee, total outstanding receivables, rental payment discounts, and total accrued and recognized insurance fee income.
What are the key transaction types mentioned in the use case?
質問 # 78
テストが来るのを静かに待っている場合は、目を覚まして、別の方法で1z0-1060-22試験を受ける準備ができている必要があります。最近の1z0-1060-22ガイド急流の効果が資格試験を通じて受験者の秘密兵器になったことを示した後、1z0-1060-22トレーニング資料を勉強して「テストデータ」を書くことがあなたの選択に最適です。 1z0-1060-22ガイドトレントのユーザーは、1z0-1060-22試験で予期しない結果を得ることができます。
1z0-1060-22難易度: https://www.xhs1991.com/1z0-1060-22.html