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New C-LCNC-02 Exam Preparation & Valid Test C-LCNC-02 Engine Bring you the Best Products for Certified Citizen Developer Associate - SAP Build Low-code/No-code Applications and Automations

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SAP C-LCNC-02 Exam Syllabus Topics:

Topic Details
Topic 1
  • Describe low-code
  • no-code application development platforms and the characteristics of application development structure and design

Topic 2
  • Identify elements of the SAP Build Process Automation development environment
  • Identify elements of the SAP Build Apps development environment

Topic 3
  • Preview the development of a business site with SAP Build Work Zone
  • App Dev for Citizen Developers

Topic 4
  • Identify elements of the SAP Build Work Zone development environment
  • Create an automated process with SAP Build Process Automation

SAP Certified Citizen Developer Associate - SAP Build Low-code/No-code Applications and Automations Sample Questions (Q39-Q44):

What is the purpose of holding citizen developer appathons?Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.

  • A. To promote competition among low-code / no-code users
  • B. To create a space for collaborative problem solving
  • C. To give users hands-on practice in a social setting
  • D. To incentivize quick process enhancement

Answer: B,C
What are some problems that citizen development can help address?Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.

  • A. Increased IT backlogs
  • B. Security vulnerabilities
  • C. Hardware and software expenditures
  • D. A shortage of professional IT developers

Answer: A,D
What are digital experience (DX) service tools used for?Note: There are 3 correct answers to this question.

  • A. To design and create simple automations
  • B. To create personalized and engaging workspaces
  • C. To manage role-based access to info and apps
  • D. To provide access to system databases
  • E. To improve discovery and sharing of data

Answer: B,C,E
In your SAP AppGyver app, how do you display the data from an API?

  • A. Copy-paste the JSON data into a browser
  • B. Bind the data to UI components
  • C. Select data filtering criteria

Answer: B
What are some features of SAP Sales Cloud? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.

  • A. Supporting the lead-to-cash process
  • B. Managing members of the sales team
  • C. Communicating and collaboration with customers
  • D. Facilitating push notifications for public events

Answer: A,C
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