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If you don't have much hands-on experience in machine learning, it is recommended to enroll in the course and gain it before going for the AWS Certified Machine Learning – Specialty exam. There are five options offered by AWS itself, some of them are as follows:
A company needs to quickly make sense of a large amount of data and gain insight from it. The data is in different formats, the schemas change frequently, and new data sources are added regularly. The company wants to use AWS services to explore multiple data sources, suggest schemas, and enrich and transform the dat a. The solution should require the least possible coding effort for the data flows and the least possible infrastructure management.
Which combination of AWS services will meet these requirements?
Answer: A
Amazon QuickSight for reporting and getting insights
A company is using Amazon Polly to translate plaintext documents to speech for automated company announcements. However, company acronyms are being mispronounced in the current documents.
How should a Machine Learning Specialist address this issue for future documents?
Answer: D
A Machine Learning Specialist deployed a model that provides product recommendations on a company's website. Initially, the model was performing very well and resulted in customers buying more products on average. However, within the past few months, the Specialist has noticed that the effect of product recommendations has diminished and customers are starting to return to their original habits of spending less.
The Specialist is unsure of what happened, as the model has not changed from its initial deployment over a year ago.
Which method should the Specialist try to improve model performance?
Answer: C
A Machine Learning Specialist is designing a system for improving sales for a company. The objective is to use the large amount of information the company has on users' behavior and product preferences to predict which products users would like based on the users' similarity to other users.
What should the Specialist do to meet this objective?
Answer: B
Many developers want to implement the famous Amazon model that was used to power the "People who bought this also bought these items" feature on Amazon.com. This model is based on a method called Collaborative Filtering. It takes items such as movies, books, and products that were rated highly by a set of users and recommending them to other users who also gave them high ratings. This method works well in domains where explicit ratings or implicit user actions can be gathered and analyzed.
An agency collects census information within a country to determine healthcare and social program needs by province and city. The census form collects responses for approximately 500 questions from each citizen.
Which combination of algorithms would provide the appropriate insights? (Choose two.)
Answer: A,C
The PCA and K-means algorithms are useful in collection of data using census form.
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