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What terminology is used to label people who were referred for a job requisition or added to a job requisition but who haven't yet completed their job application?
Answer: B
A prospect is someone who has expressed interest in a job requisition but has not yet applied. A prospect can be referred by an employee, added by a recruiter, or invited by a hiring manager. A prospect can also be someone who has created a profile on a career site but has not yet submitted an application. A prospect can become an applicant by completing and submitting an application for a job requisition.
Which of the following is a step in the Employee Separation process?
Answer: A
Workforce Management is a fully integrated HR solution that links time, labor, and leave management with payroll, financial, and personnel data.
Employee Separation process is to reconcile absence records, which would involve managing the leave balance and entitlements of the departing employee.
Which part of the Employee Separation process uses employee data to help with the decisions on recruitment, retention, and employee management?
Answer: D
This part of the Employee Separation process involves analyzing employee data to identify recruitment needs, retention strategies, and efficient employee management. This process requires an understanding of workforce trends and current employee data to ensure that the separation process is carried out in a timely and effective manner.
Which part of the Employee Separation process uses employee data to help with the decisions on recruitment, retention, and employee management?
Answer: D
This part of the Employee Separation process involves analyzing employee data to identify recruitment needs, retention strategies, and efficient employee management. This process requires an understanding of workforce trends and current employee data to ensure that the separation process is carried out in a timely and effective manner.
Who are the other main users of the HCM processes, apart from Human Resources Specialists and Line Managers?
Answer: A
According to Oracle HCM Business Process Foundations Associate Rel 1, apart from Human Resources Specialists and Line Managers, the other main users of the HCM processes are HCM System Administrators.
This includes setting up and maintaining the system, as well as ensuring security and data integrity.
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