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The "SAP Certified Application Associate - SAP Analytics Cloud" certification exam verifies that the candidate possesses the fundamental and core knowledge required of the SAP Analytics Cloud Consultant profile. This certification proves that the candidate has an overall understanding and technical skills to participate as a member of project team. This certification is recommended as an entry level qualification. The certificate issued for passing this exam will be valid for 5 years. >> CSAC2208 Dump Collection <<
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Topic Areas | Topic Details, Courses, Books |
SAP Analytics Cloud Administration, Connections and Integration 8% - 12% | Administer security: roles, users, and folders. Add and integrate different systems into SAP Analytic Cloud. |
Business Intelligence > 12% | Design, create, and add analytical applications to SAP Analytics Cloud. Design, create, and add stories to SAP Analytics Cloud. Describe the use of for SAP Analysis for Microsoft Office, edition for SAP Analytics Cloud and SAP Analytics Cloud, analytics designer. |
Predictive Analytics > 12% | Use machine learning and predictive analytics. |
Data Preparation: Data Model > 12% | Design, create, and add data models to SAP Analytics Cloud. Use data modeling in SAP Analytics Cloud. |
Which cloud edition is available for SAP Analytics Cloud? Please choose the correct answer.
Answer: C
Which of the following are characteristics of the SAP Analytics Cloud security concept?
Answer: C,D
You have an existing bar chart that displays domestic revenue account values by region. You want to display the difference between these domestic values and the foreign revenue account values. What can you do?
Answer: A
In SAP Analytics Cloud, when does SAP recommend you use a data model instead of a dataset?
Answer: B
Which of the following SAP BW query components are fully supported in a live connection? Note: There are
3 correct Answers to this question.
Answer: A,B,D
CSAC2208 Relevant Answers: https://www.testsdumps.com/CSAC2208_real-exam-dumps.html
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