Forums » Discussions » The Rice Purity Test: A Window into Moral Exploration


In the realm of college culture and coming-of-age experiences, the Rice Purity Test is a widely known and sometimes controversial rite of passage. Originally created by students at Rice University in Texas, this test has since spread to campuses across the United States and beyond. Often taken in a light-hearted and humorous spirit, the test for purity provides a unique perspective on the moral compass and experiences of individuals as they transition from adolescence to adulthood.

The Origin of the Rice Purity Test

The Rice Purity Test, also known as the Rice Purity Quiz or just the Purity Test, was first developed in the early 20th century. It began as a tool for students to gauge their own innocence and moral purity as they embarked on their college journeys. The test's questions, numbering over a hundred, are designed to assess various aspects of one's life, including relationships, behaviors, and experiences. Participants are asked to self-report whether they have engaged in a particular activity or not, and each question carries a point value. A higher score on the test implies a greater degree of purity, while a lower score suggests a more diverse range of life experiences.

The Questions and Themes

The Rice Purity Test covers a wide range of topics, including romantic relationships, sexual experiences, substance use, and various forms of rule-breaking. Some questions are straightforward and practical, such as "Have you ever used marijuana?" or "Have you ever cheated on a significant other?" Others are whimsical and absurd, like "Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character?" or "Have you ever urinated in a swimming pool?" This mix of serious and humorous questions contributes to the test's reputation as a humorous and thought-provoking exercise.

Cultural Significance

The Rice Purity Test has gained cultural significance for several reasons. Firstly, it serves as a conversation starter and icebreaker among college students. Sharing one's score can lead to lively discussions and bonding experiences. Additionally, the test provides an opportunity for individuals to reflect on their values, experiences, and personal growth. For many, it's a lighthearted way to examine how they've evolved over time.

However, it's essential to acknowledge that the Rice Purity Test is not without criticism. Some argue that it promotes a judgmental attitude and reinforces harmful stereotypes about purity and morality. Critics also point out that it lacks nuance, reducing complex life experiences to a single numerical score. It's crucial for participants to approach the test with a sense of humor and perspective, keeping in mind that personal growth and moral development are far more intricate than any test can measure.


The Rice Purity Test has become an iconic aspect of college culture, offering a unique perspective on the moral exploration and personal growth of young adults. While it is not without its critics, it remains a popular and engaging activity that encourages self-reflection, conversation, and laughter among peers. As a testament to the complexity of human experiences and values, the Rice Purity Test reminds us that life's journey is as diverse and varied as the people who embark upon it.