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EU4 Cheats is a searchable list of EU4 (PC and Mac).

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The Europa Universalis IV console can be started by pressing among the next computer keyboard hotkeys: ‘~, SHIFT + two. Type command to the text box and then hit on ENTER to ship it. If these hotkeys are not working for you, or want more assistance with using the console, then visit our console manual.

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Extra gold; default is 5000 = cash [number] Extra Manpower; default option is 50000 = manpower [number] Maximum Stability = stability +6 Prestige = prestige Boost Imperial Authority = imperialauthority [number] Insert Piety = piety Insert more people = morehumans [number] Insert core = addcore [province id] Insert casus belli from a target nation = addcb [casus belli tag] [target country tag] Add natives into the suggested province = addnatives [provinceid] [number] Insert opinion to/from label = addopinion [country tag] Add papal sway to label = addpi [country tag] Insert patriarch ability to label = addpa [country tag] Insert reform degree to the empire = addreformlevel [number] Insert an indicated country label to your attention = addinterest [country tag] Insert a colonist into a Nation = addcolonist [country tag] Insert an heir of a label = addheir [target country tag] Insert a missionary into a Nation = addmissionary [country tag] Insert diplomatic entroute = adddiplo Add people to a state = population [province id] [number] Insert suggested idea group = power [stability/techtablekey/ideakey] Insert suggested idea group = addideagroup [idea group key] Get administrative ability the management of these principles enhance = adm [optional number] Get diplomatic electricity = dip [optional number] Get army power = mil [optional number] Get electricity in most forces = powerpoints [optional number] Max war rating in most wars to the Nation = winwars Acquire the siege at the specified state = siege [province id] Fog of war handicapped = fow off Fog of war allowed = fow on Kill first cardinal in the list = killcardinal Kill heir of a label = killheir [target country tag] Kill monarch of a label = die(kill) [target country tag]

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A Kaiser not only in title: Enact all reforms at the Holy Roman Empire. African Power: Own all states in Africa since Kongo. Aggressive Expander: Own 200 states. All goes to Mother Russia: Form Russia. An ancient Reich: Form Germany. At each continent: Own one state on every continent. Azur semé de lis or: Get all the French Cores as France. Basileus: Restore the Roman Empire. Brothers in Arms: Acquire a war because a secondary player. Cold War: Acquire a war without fighting one battle. Defender of the Faith: Be Defender of the Faith. Down Under: Possessing a colony in Australia. Is not the way to India? Discover the Americas as Castile or Spain. It is all about fortune: Acquire a struggle against a Fantastic leader, with no leader. It is all about the cash: Accumulate 3000 gold. Market Control: Make a commerce pioneer of seven distinct goods. Master of India: Own all India as a European country. My cousins are invincible! : Profit at 7.0 land morale. No Pirates within my Caribbean: Get the Total Caribbean. No path of tears: Get the Thirteen Colonies as a westernized Cherokee. Norwegian Wood: Own all naval supplies provinces as Norway. Not so sad a state...: As Portugal, have a colony in Brazil and in Africa. Not so unhappy a country...: As Portugal, possess a colony in Brazil and in Africa. Poland can into area: As Poland, reach the highest degree in All technologies (32). Respected: Have 100 prestige, 100 validity and three Stability. Royal Authority: Install a marriage through a series war. Ruina Imperii: Dismantle the Holy Roman Empire. Seriously?! : Kill 10,000 men in 1 battle. Spain is your Emperor: Become the Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire as Spain. Sweden isn't overpowered! : Get the Whole Baltic coastline as Sweden. That's mine! : Conquer a state. That is a Grand Army: Build your army up into your country's Maximum military forcelimit.