Forums » Discussions » Is Poxet 60 mg The Right Choice For Recreational Use?


Using prescription medications like Poxet for recreational purposes, especially without a legitimate medical need and a prescription from a healthcare provider, is not safe and can be harmful. Here are some important reasons why using Poxet 60 mg or any prescription medication recreationally is not advisable:

Potential Health Risks: Recreational use of prescription medications can lead to serious health risks, including side effects and adverse reactions. Dapoxetine, like all medications, can have side effects, and these can be more pronounced when used without medical supervision.

Ineffectiveness for Recreational Purposes: Poxet is not designed to enhance sexual performance or pleasure beyond its intended use for premature ejaculation. Using it recreationally for other purposes may not provide the desired effects and can result in unnecessary risks.

Legal Implications: The non-medical use of prescription medications is illegal in many countries and can result in legal consequences.

Tolerance and Dependence: The misuse of prescription medications can lead to tolerance (requiring increasing doses to achieve the same effect) and dependence (becoming reliant on the medication for a desired effect).

Unpredictable Interactions: Using prescription medications recreationally can interact with other substances or medications in unpredictable ways, potentially leading to dangerous consequences.