Forums » Discussions » Freelance tutor admits committing sexual offences against boys aged 13 and 15


Freelance tutor admits committing sexual offences against boys aged 13 and 15

A tutor who sought รวมสูตรสล็อต other men on social media applications for sexual activities preyed on minors instead, meeting a 13-year-old boy on Grindr and persuading a 15-year-old boy into "experimenting" with him.

Chock Soon Seng, 43, pleaded guilty on Monday (Mar 15) to four counts of sexual penetration of a minor. Another 14 charges, including sexual exploitation of a child or young person, will be considered in sentencing.

The court heard that Chock was a freelance tutor teaching Mandarin to students in Primary 5 to Secondary 4 at the time.

Chock started using social media applications such as Grindr and Locanto in 2016 to meet other men for sexual activities. He would initiate conversations and arrange for meetings, periodically deleting the chat logs.

In April 2018, Chock got to know the first victim, a 13-year-old boy, on Grindr. The victim told Chock he was a Primary 6 student, and Chock requested to meet up for sexual activities.

After the pair agreed to perform certain sex acts on each other but not anal sex, Chock met the boy on Apr 15, 2018.

He took the boy to a staircase landing at a multi-storey car park in Hougang, where they engaged in sexual activities. The boy later deleted their Instagram conversation on Chock's instruction.

Chock persuaded the boy to meet up again, and they met on Apr 17, 2018 after the boy finished school. The boy was in his school uniform and carrying his school bag when they went to Punggol Community Club, where they engaged in sex acts in a toilet.

Because Chock had asked the boy for Higher Chinese test papers during their first encounter, the boy felt annoyed and blocked him after their second meeting, the prosecutors said.


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