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Here are some of the top 5 WRONG REASONS to step into college: 1. BECAUSE MY PARENTS WENT TO COLLEGE What would the use of this reason articulate? That you are not interested to go to college but it is just because your parents did. The Admissions Committee in college schools would immediately decide not to enlist you with this weak reasoning. Having said this, it is more likely that you will get admitted and pass through college if it is your own strong desire to enroll in college. 2. BECAUSE IT WILL GET ME A NICE HIGH PAYING JOB If you were in the Admissions Committee, would you find this reasoning acceptable? I am sure you will also question the sincerity of this reason knowing for a fact that money is not the only pushing factor and will not make an impact to the decision-makers. 3. BECAUSE IT WILL MAKE ME RICH Similar to the reason above, you might end up dropping out of college if your only goal is to become rich. Although getting paid is one of the objectives, it is not the end of it all. To be able to get rich you must prove that you are sincere and persistent. 4. BECAUSE I NEED A PLACE TO DRINK BEER AND MEET PEOPLE College is not the right place to drink beer and meet people; the bar would rightfully fit this purpose. With a phrase like this in your college admissions essay, I assure you 100% that no school will admit you. 5. BECAUSE IT MEANS I’M SMART Don’t boast of your smartness and other positive points. If you are to write of it, better to express it in a manner that if expounds your character and not just saying it. Smartness can also mean many things and can also be interpreted in many ways. So before stating this, be smarter and find capstone editing services to say it in a convincing manner. The best way is to express some of your weakness and turn it into a positive point. The beauty of  University’s environment lies in its diversity. With its eclectic mix of students, the university brings together unique experiences and personalities. This creates a lively milieu for learning that far exceeds its academic scope. I, myself, have a unique diverse past, which I hope will add a fresh perspective to the university. I am looking forward to learning more about life through my college education. I grew up in the Philippines. Even though my father is Korean and I was born in Korea, his business took us all over Asia. Finally, we ended up in Manila when the city’s opportunities beckoned. We set up shop and it was at this time that I witnessed my family struggle to establish themselves in a totally foreign land. It was my father’s self-sufficiency and ambition that pulled us through this hard time, and from him I learned a lot. I went to a private high school for international students. Likewise, I also attended English language class with a local tutor. My days were filled with immense learning. I was learning from my peers in school. Their varied backgrounds made me resilient and more open to cultural differences and a myriad of ideas. To me, possibilities became limitless.