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Coronavirus: When will pubs, hairdressers and gyms open?

The first stage of ดาวน์โหลดสล็อต xo easing the lockdown has taken place with the reopening of schools.

Services like pubs, hairdressers and gyms are not due to restart in England until the middle of April, although hairdressers are now allowed to open in Wales.

When will pubs and restaurants open?

Pubs and restaurants could reopen in England from 12 April, but they will only be able to offer outdoor service at this point.

There will be no 22:00 curfew, and customers will not be asked to order a substantial meal alongside alcoholic drinks.

They will, however, be required to order, and to eat and drink, while seated, and may also have to wear a mask when not at their table.

From 17 May, customers could be allowed to eat and drink inside. The table service rule will remain in place.

When will outdoor tennis and basketball courts open?

Outdoor sport facilities, such as tennis and basketball courts and open-air swimming pools, will be allowed to reopen on 29 March in England.

On the same day, meeting-up rules will also be relaxed - with up to six people allowed to gather outdoors. However, people from different households will still need to socially distance from each other.

Formally organised outdoor sports - for adults and children - can also restart and will not be subject to the gatherings limits. However, people will need to follow guidance issued by organisers.