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Does Major Medical Health Insurance Cover Mental Health Services?

Many people are concerned about paying for mental health services. They know that they get these services from health professionals, or sometimes by medical doctors, and so they want to know if their health plan will help cover them. The answer to the question for any particular individual is, of course, it depends.

Group Major Medical From A Job

Many group major medical policies do provide employees with comprehensive coverage. This may include mental health coverage. Other employers may provide these services under another benefit program. If you get your medical benefits at work, you need to consult your policy or ask the human resources department. Some companies will post free, confidential phone numbers for employees who would like to seek help.

If it is not an emergency, it is safer to get an treatment pre-approved. This way you will know how much the group health plan will pay and how much you have to pay out of pocket.

Individual Health Insurance

People with individual or family policies my not have comprehensive mental health benefits. Even though private insurers cannot cancel a policy because a covered person develops a condition, many will refuse an initial application because of mental illness. The new health reform bill should make it so people cannot be refused a policy for pre-existing conditions in the future, but this part has not been implemented yet.

How To Get Low Cost Mental Health Treatment Without Insurance And A Lot Of Money

Mental health services can be very expensive, especially if you need to pay for private treatment. Many people who need help need to return for repeated therapy, treatment, or prescriptions too. But there are many resources to help people get free or reduced cost treatment. The problem is that a lot of people who need treatment may not know how to look for help! One other problem is that many people who need help may fear they lack the funds to pay for expensive therapists or doctors.

Online Mental Health Treatment Lookups

You can find a couple of very good free and low cost clinic finders online. These services can help you find all sorts of medical centers, and this includes mental health centers. Both the Partnership for Prescription Assistance ( and the US Department of Health and Human Services provide handy zip code searches.

You enter your zip code, and then a maximum distance you would like to travel. The online system will display any free or reduced fee clinics in your area. If you cannot find the right service very close to home, you may have to expand your search a bit.

Get Help On The Phone

If you do not have access to the internet, or if you are trying to get help for another person, there is also a toll free number that can provide help for people who need help. This is the national suicide and emotional distress hot line. This number is: 1-800-273-TALK

This phone number can put you in touch with 24/7, free, confidential phone help. They can also direct you to one of hundreds of crisis centers in the US.

Community Resources

On other place to look for help is at local community centers or charities. Some have social workers on staff or can direct you to other local resources where you can get help. Your local pastor should also have this information, and maybe he or she can draw upon resources from a congregation.

Do You Need To Find Help?

If you are seeking help for yourself, or for somebody you care about, we would like to invite you to take advantage of these resources.


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