en 1.9.* /summon Tools & Weapons

Hello and thanks for checking out my vanilla mod!

The full tutorial is too long to be put here, but can be found @ http://beancode.org/mcvanillamods.htm!

Basically, you'll just want to drop a Stick, a Diamond, and a Nether Brick on the ground to get Nether Ingots.

You can then create AMAZING enchants combining the Nether Ingots with Golden Chestplates, Swords, or Pickaxes, as well as Bows.

Have fun!


The command

Note: Minify the command to avoid issues :)

Created: Tue, 05 Apr 2016 01:11:53, Updated: Thu, 28 Apr 2016 21:38:08, Views: 11

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