en1.9.4/jkgruisfdkjsdfkldlmdmmdjnvyhnvhju,diOtherbest car by roland minecraft avatar roland

en1.8.x/setblockOtherPrefilled Furnace Generator by heavy_clyde minecraft avatar heavy_clyde

en1.8/summonOtherMagic heads in one command by machinegun minecraft avatar machinegun

en1.8/giveOtherGet the head of a bad person by rebound12345 minecraft avatar rebound12345

en+1.9/summonOtherThe armor stand model by hydro360 minecraft avatar hydro360

en1.10.2/giveOtherBlack Dragon's "bad" potion by josephtylermax minecraft avatar josephtylermax

en1.8/giveOtherUmbreon by xhoranx minecraft avatar xhoranx

en1.10.2/giveOtherBlack Dragon's "good" potion by josephtylermax minecraft avatar josephtylermax

en1.8/giveOtherknife by canine by starfighter7 minecraft avatar starfighter7

en1.8/summonOtherCastles one command!!!!!!!NO MODS!!!! by mhf_tnt2 minecraft avatar mhf_tnt2

en1.10.2/giveOtherBlack Dragon's Sowrd by josephtylermax minecraft avatar josephtylermax

en1.10.2/giveOtherBlack Dragon's Bow by josephtylermax minecraft avatar josephtylermax

en1.11.2/summonOthernuclear creeper by blockbite101 minecraft avatar blockbite101

en1.8/summonOtherBecome Venom in only 1/2 commands!!! by machinegun minecraft avatar machinegun

en1.8/summonOtherfood vilgie by muren minecraft avatar muren

en/tellrawOtherDanTDM joined the game. by glacio1 minecraft avatar glacio1

en1.9/summonOtherArmor Stand (Holding Sword) by zefierre minecraft avatar zefierre

en1.8, 1.9 and Higher/giveOtherGlowing Potion by 3toisyou_gaming minecraft avatar 3toisyou_gaming

en1.8/giveOtherMinedonalds Cookies!! by girlygirlgameryt minecraft avatar girlygirlgameryt

en1.10.2/giveOtherBlack Dragon's Ax by josephtylermax minecraft avatar josephtylermax

en1.8+/giveOtherRainbow Creeper firework by ilan147963 minecraft avatar ilan147963

en1.10.2/giveOtherBlack Dragon's pick by josephtylermax minecraft avatar josephtylermax

en1.10.2/giveOtherBlack Dragon's Shovel by josephtylermax minecraft avatar josephtylermax

en1.11.2/giveOtherWalmart Flour Product by dobbydubber minecraft avatar dobbydubber

en1.8/summonOtherHawkeye (by TheMCAvatar) by maturedragon123 minecraft avatar maturedragon123

en1.8/giveOtherPikachu by xhoranx minecraft avatar xhoranx

en1.8/summonOtherДомик by Дерон Куинт minecraft avatar Дерон Куинт

en1.9/summonOtherModern book shelf by jar9 minecraft avatar jar9

en1.8.9/giveOtherThe Boss Killer by xx_ethanmc_xx minecraft avatar xx_ethanmc_xx

en1.10.2/giveOtherBlack Dragon's Hoe by josephtylermax minecraft avatar josephtylermax

en1.8/titleOtherMinecraft Map title [you can use your username and title] by hotbrawl20 minecraft avatar hotbrawl20

en1.8/summonOtherThor (by MrGarretto) by maturedragon123 minecraft avatar maturedragon123

en1.10.2/giveOtherBlack Dragon's Fishing rod by josephtylermax minecraft avatar josephtylermax

en1.8/summonOtherQuicksilver & Scarlet Witch by maturedragon123 minecraft avatar maturedragon123

en1.8/giveOtherBread by xhoranx minecraft avatar xhoranx

en1.8/summonOtherPlayer Heads minecraft redstone by machinegun minecraft avatar machinegun

de1.8/summonOther3D-Drucker(3D-printer) by minecraft_nik_ minecraft avatar minecraft_nik_

en1.11/giveOtherBlack Dragon's Horse by josephtylermax minecraft avatar josephtylermax

en1.8/SummonOtherPut a text like in servers by superjuan2002 minecraft avatar superjuan2002

en1.8.9/rulesOther/rules by thecraftedminer minecraft avatar thecraftedminer

en1.11/giveOtherBlack Dragon's Banner by josephtylermax minecraft avatar josephtylermax

en1.8.7/summonOtherflying in gamemode 0 !!!! by killercreeper68 minecraft avatar killercreeper68

en1.9/summonOtherSmall house by jar9 minecraft avatar jar9

en1.11/giveOtherBlack Dragon's Fire Work by josephtylermax minecraft avatar josephtylermax

en1.8+/giveOtherenderdragon's head by georgethespider minecraft avatar georgethespider

en1.8/summonOtherPLease leave a follow by deadset197 minecraft avatar deadset197

en1.8/titleOtherOptifine in vanilla minecraft free by halomman2342 minecraft avatar halomman2342

en1.9 or 1.9.1 or 1.9.2 or 1.9.3 1–pre/giveOtherYour Minecraft Head by xxgamer_702xx minecraft avatar xxgamer_702xx

en1.8/giveOtherNIGHTS EDGE by theluckylotad1 minecraft avatar theluckylotad1

en15w40b/summonOtherVeinmine on Snapshot! by araraura minecraft avatar araraura