en 1.8 /summon Villager Shops

The competition is ON!!! Who can go to all three end dimensions, kill 25 wither bosses and craft 15 beacons, and get a stack of diamond blocks?!?!?! Put this on your server if you own one and find out! This Villager trades 10 nether stars and a  diamond helmet for the Helm, 15 beacons and a diamond chestplate for the Chestplate, 3 dragon eggs and diamond leggings for the Pants, and a full stack of 64 diamond blocks and a pair of diamond boots for the Boots! It may seem expensive, and you can't see the enchantments, but I'm just going to say that it's for a good reason...

The command

Note: Minify the command to avoid issues :)

Created: Sat, 18 Jul 2015 22:21:12, Updated: Sat, 30 Jan 2016 16:07:45, Views: 7

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