Server Tutorial
(Create Lan)
command 1:/testfor @a[c=1]
place 1:Your Place Redstone Comparator In Command
place 2:Your Place Command In Redstone Comparator
command 2://tellraw @p ["",{"text":"Welcome To Server","color":"white","bold":true},{"text":"Hello Hello???","color":"dark_red","bold":true,"italic":true,"obfuscated":true}]
Say 1:Your Say Can Joined Hello Welcome To Server
use You scoreboard clock tellraw
command 3:/scoreboard objectives add serversay dummy
Say 2:Use Your scoreboard Players Add
Command 4:/scoreboard players add @e[tag:HELLOServer] serversay 1
Command 5:/scoreboard players reset @e[score_serversay_min=450] serversay
Say 3:Your Cant Spawn ArmorStand Invisible
Summon Command 1:/summon ArmorStand ~ ~ ~ {Tags:[HELLOServer],Invisible:1b,Marker:1b}
command 6://tellraw @e[score_serversay_min=449] ["",{"text":"ServerSay:How to You Join?","color":"green","bold":true,"underlined":true},{"text":" Don,t Like A Killing","color":"dark_red","bold":true,"strikethrough":true,"clickEvent":{"action":"open_url","value":"LOLOLOL"},"underlined":false}]
Say 4:Know You ServerSay,Click The Dont Like A Killing
Complete Good Are You show Much Goodbye