en Not for minecraft /https://discord.gg/aPtAp6f Other

Guys, we now have a discord channel! 
Now, if your wondering what a discord channel is, then ill explain this right now. If you already know what one is, then you can skip this all.
So, a discord channel is a special place where YOU can come here and chat about ANYTHING! now, does that sound ridiculous? It shouldnt! IF you give just your email, you CAN do the following:
 1. make an account
2. actually join us
3. get the latest news
AND MUCH more!
IF you use the confirmation email and use it, you get ALL the features of discord. ALL of them! ALL the innumerable features!
The most common: Chatting.
And NOW. If you wanted all that then...

Heres the link! have fun! :)


The command

Note: Minify the command to avoid issues :)

Created: Tue, 04 Oct 2016 19:24:33, Updated: Fri, 19 May 2017 00:47:56, Views: 63

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