en Between 1.8 (or maybe 1.7.2) and 1.9 /summon Mobs & Pets

This commands summon two new bosses based on medieval knights: Sir Lancebone and Perishceval!

An explanation? The two bosses are very similar. Both have 500 health, both detect you 500 blocks afar, both are impossible to be knockbacked, both have an unusually fast speed when walking, both ride a saddled horse and unusually fast speed, too, and both are armored with the so-called Underarmor (Underhelm, Underplate, Underleggins and Underboots), an armor made of an extinct ore: Nether Diamond (jk it's only diamond armor with hight-level enchantments). The only difference is Sir Lancebone is an skeleton riding an skeletal horse and carrying a battle axe called Underaxe, and Perishceval is a zombie riding an undead horse and carrying a sword called Undersword, both weapons being made of "Nether Diamond" too (just after reading this secton you may expect how hard will the battle be).

How to fight? Well, you will need good armor and weapons (the best ones you got, better if they came from a mod/another command) (The weapon, better a ranged one so you don't meet that almighty weapons and the Thorns III enchantment) Enchanted golden apples are helpful too. And allies. You can't do this alone without respawning a hundred times, so bring some friends and/or pets (wolves, Iron golems, tamable mobs from mods/commands) to the battle. And Invisibility Potions. That thing detect you from everywhere (Speed potions are almost useless) unless you're invisible or you aren't ingame. Even you could need to use TNT (or maybe not, they got Blast Protection IV) In one sentence: act if you were going to fight three Wither Bosses together.

Drops? All that almight gear! For each one you defeat you will get an Underhelm, an Underplate, a pair of Underleggins, a pair of Boots and an Underaxe or Undersword (depending of the boss), every item enchanted with the avaible enchantments for it (except the Thorns enchantment for every piece of armor except Underplate and the tree-chopping related enchantments for Underaxe) at the highest level possible without using commands.

Possible bugs? Well, the only one I have been tested is Sir Lancebone, and for an unknown reason it didn't attack me, but that was surely a bug on my game and I hope that don't happens in yours. I didn't test Perisceval, too, so if you've got any bugs with this bosses tell me in the comments and I will try to discover what's wrong.

Enjoy them!

The command

Note: Minify the command to avoid issues :)

Created: Sat, 13 Aug 2016 17:37:49, Updated: Tue, 31 Jan 2017 01:21:48, Views: 18

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