en 1.8 /give Potions

 You cannot survive from this piece of negative 1500 degree Fahrenheit hail! If you were to fight a guy who had this hail of the dead, you'd be dead forever. So basically, when you throw the potion (hail) at somebody- let's say yourself- you have two choices that it makes for you: Die instantly, or wither, or what I like to call, freeze, to death slowly. Still, you cannot escape from either of these! 
 Let's say you died slowly. You can't mine anything- even sand with a shovel! Also, you can't put a regeneration pot on yourself because you still would wither away. But the pros are: You get speed 4 (I did that because it's like you panicked), fire resistance and extra health for a short period (you probably won't feel yourself for a couple seconds if this happened in real life).
 Here's the con of this potion if you are the one attacking this person or whatever: This potion (hail) can't kill resistance 4+. This is because you can't die from resistance 4- not even take damage. But, nobody can get resistance 4 in survival/adventure without cheats. :)

The command

Note: Minify the command to avoid issues :)

Created: Tue, 10 May 2016 01:19:37, Updated: Sat, 17 Sep 2016 15:56:58, Views: 6

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