en 1.8-1.8.9 /summon Other

This command was so extreme it had to fit in multiple categories, or none at all, so I chose my category as other! This spawns a person (in 1.8.9 it might be a skeletal person due to a glitch in the version) wearing full diamond armor and holding a diamond sword. Just paste the command into a command block, power it with redstone block, and presto! A person spawns on top of your command block. The person is affected by gravity, so be careful when breaking the command block. This command might be the closest you can get to CREATING life which does not already exist in the game. This person is actually a robot made of wood (armor stand) with thin, wooden arms that are capable of holding it's weapon. Create a city of these guys and enjoy the wonders of having life (that is frozen in time).

The command

Note: Minify the command to avoid issues :)

Created: Sun, 10 Apr 2016 20:57:35, Updated: Sun, 14 May 2017 00:39:46, Views: 165

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