en 1.8 /1. Other

i have some steps that you must do if you whant to shoot lightning.

step 1: do /give @p command_block.

step 2: copy the first command and paste it into the commnad block.

step 3:make a wery fast redstone clock thats runing into the command block.

if you whant to pick the arrow up or wait until the arrow de-spawns just skip the 4. step.

step 4:copy the second command and paste it into a command block you can place the command block 7 blocks away from the other

command block when you have paste the second command into the second command block make a wery wery wery slow redston clock

thats runing into the second command block

step 5: we are now dont i hope you like it :)

The command

Note: Minify the command to avoid issues :)

Created: Fri, 04 Mar 2016 12:42:44, Updated: Fri, 15 Sep 2023 19:38:57, Views: 6859

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