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What types of Shippers Use TL Logistics Management Software?

In most cases, shipping companies that regularly produce enough products to fill a full semi trailer use truckload logistics software, as "TL" refers to truckload, or full semi trailer. However, it's important to note that TL logistics software actually refers to a service option within logistics software as a whole. In other words, companies that have less than truckload (LTL) shipping needs and use logistics software to meet them can have a TL logistics option added to their package at a later date, particularly if their software operates on a software as a service (SaaS) model.

Does it Make Sense to Combine LTL and TL Management in the Same Package?

A company can have as many logistics management options within a software package as it wants. But the fact that more options result in higher fees usually deters companies from adding more options than they presently need. However, if a company can benefit from having its LTL shipments combined into TL shipments and transported to a break station, then having LTL and TL shipping options within the same package could be beneficial.

Is it Better to Implement Logistics Software on a SaaS or an Internal Basis?

Although some companies have policies that require software solutions to be implemented on internal basis, most companies receive the greatest benefit from implementing logistics software on a SaaS model. To implement the software on an internal basis, you typically incur the following costs, which are eliminated by SaaS: software purchase, hardware purchase, system maintenance fees and system upgrade costs. In addition, implementing logistics software as a web-based application offers the advantage of letting system users access the system from any Internet terminal worldwide, whereas internal solutions function like an intranet.

Can TL Logistics Management Software Replace the need for a Logistics Expert?

Perhaps the greatest misconception about logistics software is that you need expertise in logistics to use it. On the contrary, logistics-software does the work of a logistics expert, presenting a shipper with optimized shipping options across the entire shipping process. One of the main selling points of logistics-software is the remarkable affordability that it brings to the logistics function, which comes from its replacing the need to hire in house logistics experts or high level third party logistics (3PL) chain

Isn't 3PL the Still Best Option If You'd like to Dialogue With a Logistics Expert?

The top complaint of 3PL customers is that they feel kept on the outside of the shipping process due to lack of contact with their 3PL provider. Furthermore, most providers of logistics-software allow their customers the option discussing logistics issues whenever necessary. With logistics software, you essentially become your own logistics provider, which is as close to the logistics function as you can get.