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It is becoming standard practice for every restaurant and takeout owner to place their information and their takeout menu online. As a busy restaurant owner, you might ask the question, why is that important to me? Well, more and more people look online for the information that they want on businesses rather than calling directory enquiries or a telephone directory service. The Internet gives people information fully and quickly. When takeout restaurants place their menu online it is available for anyone that searches for it to find it. This is true whether someone searches for your particular business or just for restaurants in your area.


  • Your menu will not be found online unless you put it there

  • You lose potential customers if you can not be found where they search

  • Being on the Internet is not as complicated as many people think

  • Many people now only search online when they want to order takeout

A business that can be found online stands to gain a lot of new customers. This is because their business information can be found in the place where the larger percent of the population look for information about local businesses these days.

It is important not just to put your address information online, but to also put your menu online as well. The convenience of letting customers browse through your menu in the comfort of their own home is priceless. Online takeout portals still take things one step further. They allow people to browse your menu and place an order online too. They then instantly inform you that you have received an order. A service like this offers huge conveniences over the telephone because there will never be a busy signal on a web site. Furthermore, it eliminates incorrect orders due to words being misheard or misunderstood.

How Does it All Work?

To start things off, you will need to spend 15 to 20 minutes on a takeout portal web site adding your business name and address. After that, you will add your menu items to the web site. This information will remain online available to all those that want it. When a customer decides to order from your menu, they will do so by completing an order form on the web site. Most takeout portals allow customers to pay by credit card when they place their order or for them to pay when they pick up their food.The Takeout Times Portland

Receiving Orders

The takeout portal web site that you sign up with will alert you each time that someone orders from your online menu. This is done through a small receipt-like printer that you will keep in your restaurant. Tickets come through with the order details and whether it is a delivery or takeout order and whether the customer has paid in advance or will pay at pickup.