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As we get older, our bodies struggle with everyday chores and life is not always as good as we would like it to be. Aches and pains in our joints and muscles, slow-healing cuts and ugly bruises detract in varying degrees from enjoyment of our senior years. It doesn't have to be that way though. With regular Reiki treatments, these annoying, bothersome discomforts can be reduced, minimized and in many cases alleviated altogether.

People all around the world, young and old, have benefited from Reiki in the relief of stress, painful injuries, easing of the ravages of diseases as well as physical, emotional and mental conditions. Unfortunately, not all seniors are aware of how much Reiki can help them.

What is Reiki?

Reiki is a gentle, hands-on ancient therapy that connects us to the universal life force energy that science confirms surrounds every person and every other living thing. A Reiki practitioner is not a healer per se, but is trained to be able to channel this energy to those in need through the use of his or her hands.

Most seniors rely solely on traditional medicine. Reiki is not an alternative to this medicine. It works with doctors and other healthcare providers as a supplementary treatment. Reiki is loving, gentle and hands-on. It is specifically designed to reduce stress and remove energy blockages from one's system. We are, after all, mostly energy and like other systems, sometimes we 'bung up'. Reiki calls that 'energy blockage', preventing the normal flow of energy into and out of our bodies.

Hands-on Healing with Reiki

More and more, people of all ages are experiencing and benefiting from the Reiki touch (or non-touch as Reiki is just as effective with the practitioner's hands a few inches above the body as placed directly on it). It often takes as little as one session to begin to feel the difference. Even people who have undergone major surgery or chemotherapy, often experience a shortening of recovery time and easing of pain after Reiki therapy. Because Reiki is just as effective hands-off, people who are sensitive to the touch by others due to neurological or other disorders, can also benefit from Reiki.

Reiki creates an atmosphere specifically designed to encourage relaxation through the use of soft music, lighting and a comfortable environment. Seniors especially find this appealing. Falling asleep during a session is quite normal and has no adverse effect on the outcome, in fact, quite the opposite. If it helps to relax and accept the treatment, then by all means, enjoy some nap time.

Most seniors who receive Reiki treatments, often experience an immediate relief of their symptoms. In others, it could take a few days to manifest. Just as medicine does not work the same way for everyone, a small percentage of people indicate that they see no change. However, many times, family and friends say that they have noticed positive physical or mental differences.Reiki Columbus Ohio

Reiki works best when the individual having the treatment believes in the benefits of energy healing. Understanding how Reiki works and believing in its healing power, goes a long way towards accepting it and benefiting from the transfer of energy being channeled through the Reiki practitioner. Seniors can sometimes be skeptical about Reiki because it is a new-age treatment rather than the traditional ones they are used to. Because of this, a shorter session might be recommended to begin with. This would be followed up with further Reiki education through reading how Reiki has helped others and then leading to a full one-hour treatment later.


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