Foren » Help » Hookah


Hookah tobacco is harvested by hand and cut into different shapes, avoiding fine shredding. Drying is carried out several times using firing. And only after all these stages, additional ingredients are added to hookah tobacco: glycerin, preservatives, syrup, sugar and molasses.


Hm, I would like to buy a new hookah and tobacco in order to smoke it after hard-working day. Does anybody know where it might be possible to find something like that?


Guys, I live with my best friend and we're fond of hookah at home, from time to time, and it's completely fine for us, because we have nice neighbors who live upstairs and the're also addicted of tobacco. And if you also like to smoke hookah, I can recommend this web resource to you where you will definitely find everything related to hookah and tobacco as well. It's quite convenient to order that online.