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The 1990's also produced new methods into the mix, like the introduction of binocular or 'stereoscopic' microdissection. Stereoscopic microdissection permitted the surgeon to clearly see where one hair follicle begins and another ends. Because the 1990's evolved, many implant surgeons shifted far from the use of greater grafts in favor of one, two and three hair follicular units.

While highly useful in the hairline area, such 'micrografts' weren't always maximum in recreating thickness behind the hairline. Therefore despite numerous sessions, the ultimate outcome of micrograft-only transplanted scalps helped to look thin and relatively wispy. Probably of increased problem, the dissection of a donor strip entirely into micrografts risked a somewhat paid down transformation yield. Here's why.

Let's assume we are starting with two donor strips of hair showing structure from two similar patients. Two surgeons are each dissecting just one donor reel, but the very first doctor seeks to dissect on to one and two hair micrografts alone, while the next surgeon dissects just enough micrografts to devote the hairline, leaving bigger three, four, five and six hair grafts available for place behind the hairline. At the start each donor reel contains 1,000 hairs. Both surgeons must theoretically get 1,000 viable hairs readily available for transplantation it doesn't matter how the tissue was dissected. However, the fact doesn't very work out that way.

And while there is a fixed method of getting permanent donor hair which might not be sufficient to fill the location of need, it's intrinsically detrimental to cut back this restricted source via a technique know to engender relatively bad yield. The issue is resolved by the careful usage of FUE/micrografts in the recreated hairline and somewhat greater grafts behind the hairline. Refinement is hence accomplished at the hairline with ideal occurrence behind the hairline zone. If sometimes of those facets are missing from the equation the effect is a dysaesthetic hair restoration. Often the end result looks slim and unclear (micrografts only) or it looks doll-hair like (large grafts only). Therefore today we may now begin to see why the size and proper place of each graft becomes a critically important concern in hair transplant surgery.

Several other possible caveats to hair implant surgery are graft compression, misdirection, misangulation, mishandled grafts and donor website damage. Graft pressure does occur by attempting to place too big of a donor graft into too small of a recipient hole. If the donor graft isn't cautiously fixed to the individual opening then the tissue and hair may virtually get 'packed together.


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