Foren » Help » Get Found on Page One of Google With Your Online Music Using Back Links


I first commissioned a website about 10 years ago and spent around £5,000 having it designed and built. No one mentioned to me about how we would get traffic to it.

Clearly there is no point in having a website if no one can find you while searching the internet. Your website needs to rank high in the search engines for your chosen keywords. So for example if one of your main keywords is "recording studios central London" you should be appearing on page 1 of Google's results for this search term. Ideally in one of the top three positions. Studies show that most people do not go beyond page one of Google when searching online.

A lot of SEO experts try and make SEO sound complicated. I do not believe it has to be. It is a vital part of digital music marketing.

There are a couple of simple things you can do to have your website ranking well for your chosen keywords in the online music marketing niche.

Well researched keywords - Google's free keyword tool is excellent at researching keywords. Using the keywords correctly in your Meta-tags Using your keywords on page Back links to your website from relevant websites

Google is obsessed with relevancy and one of the main ways Google decides how relevant a website is by the quality of the links linking back to your site.

So again using the example of the recording studio. We would seek to get links back from music related websites like record companies online music promotion companies and other recording studios, Etcetera. In addition to this we would try and get links from related music websites with high Google page rank. Preferably PR3 or above.

The more back links you can get from "authority sites" the better. Good quality back links are an essential component of any search engine optimisation campaign for all but the less competitive search terms. If we do a search on Google for "Central London recording studio" you will see more than 185,000 results. How does Google decide which search term comes first and on page one of Google? And how can you persuade Google to feature your website in the top 5 search results?

The keywords used on your page and in the meta tags are not enough as Google does not trust them as its easy for you to manipulate them.

So Google needs another way to evaluate the worthiness of all those sites vying for top position. Which is something less easy for you to influence and that's inbound links from related sites. Google interprets a link from page 1 to page 2 as a vote by page 1 for page 2 and so on. The more back links (votes) you have the more popular and relevant your site appears to Google.

This is called (link popularity) and the higher the link popularity the higher the site will rank in the Google search results. Equally important is the anchor text of the back link. The "anchor text" is the labelling of the link as it appears on the Web page - the actual words that are "clickable." If the words used in the link are relevant to the content on the Web page, that makes the link more powerful. So if we were trying to rank for "London recording studios" that would also be the "anchor text"

That's why it's important to link the search terms themselves, not using generic terms such as "click here." when I build back links to my client sites, I always try to match the subject / niche on both of the sites.

In a nutshell the more high page rank relevant links you have linking to your website the higher Google will rank your site for those search terms.

Back link building is often more profitable in the long-term than online advertising. However it can be a tedious and time-consuming process. Many business owners outsource this work to individuals or companies that specialise in search engine optimisation