Foren » Help » Buying Steel Toe Shoes


Believe it or not, but back in the days the steel toe shoes were extremely popular, and many people of certain lower subcultures wore them as if they were fashionable accessories - Grinders and Dr. Martens were especially a craze back then and all school kids wanted to have a pair. The trend is definitely over, but there are still many people who would love to have these shoes in their wardrobe and there are still many who love to wear them as casual footwear, it is just that we don't see almost anyone flaunting these steel toe shoes as openly as it was in the past.

The Many Uses Of Steel Toe Footwear

Fashion or not, it is known that nowadays the majority of people buy steel toe shoes only because of the safety policies on their jobs. Their uses, though, have expanded further from construction or laborious types of jobs into other areas of human activities, and nowadays we see regular white collar office workers, sportsmen and even martial artists utilizing this protective footwear. Maybe this is partly because of the manufacturers who have caught the craze of Grinders early in the past and have redesigned many types of their footwear to also have the protective plates. This drove the market of shoes to be saturated with such steel toe footwear as steel toe dress shoes, steel toe work boots (of course), steel plated umpire shoes (that cover the whole foot, not only the tip of it), steel toe running shoes, and probably some more.

Construction Types Of Jobs Beware

If you are an employer of the construction type of the business and have to employ the safety policies, be willing to educate your employees with the nuances of getting the right steel plated shoes. First, only get the work boots, as the normal shoes never cut it, and second, instruct your workers that the steel toe work boots should be worn only if they work on hard surfaces, like concrete. The reason for that is if a person stands on a sturdy surface the steel plate will protect him from falling objects just fine, but once he is on the softer surfaces, like sand, a fallen object can give such an impact to the steel plate at the tip of the shoes that. given no firm ground support, the plate could rapidly plummet down and shear off the toes of the worker.

Buy Cheap and Get Health Problems

Another thing is those people who buy the steel protected shoes out of the necessity that was regulated by their work safety policies usually go after cheaper under 50 dollars models, and that usually costs them some feet problems in the long run. This is especially important for the employers with a large crew of valuable workers, as on one hand, you definitely want to reduce your costs, but on the other hand, you do want your workers stay healthy for as long as possible.

Lastly, for Those Who Like To Travel

We did imply that there are some people who like wearing the steel toe shoes every day and they use them as a kind of casual footwear. If you are one of those do know, however, that some complications in the airports may arise. Remember to take the shoes off and put them into that X-Ray conveyor so that the airport staff doesn't have to frisk you twice once they discover that your shoes "possess the risks of danger". This holds true only to those who travel a lot, of course, and you shouldn't worry about such details otherwise.


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Good review of the steel toe shoes! I am a workaholic and work in a wood manufacturing company. It is not the best job, but I have a good position. Of course, I like the smell of wood, haha. But the problem working there is workers safety. You need appropriate shoes to work in dangerous conditions. So I have chosen the best men steel toe work boots with a toe guard, toe cap, protection strip, electrical shock protection to feel safe. Once I could have been cut by a machine, but these boots really did their job. I do not go to work without them.


Good review of the steel toe shoes! I am a workaholic and work in a wood manufacturing company. It is not the best job, but I have a good position. Of course, I like the smell of wood, haha. But the problem working there is workers safety. You need appropriate shoes to work in dangerous conditions. So I have chosen the best men steel toe work boots with a toe guard, toe cap, protection strip, electrical shock protection to feel safe. Once I could have been cut by a machine, but these boots really did their job. I do not go to work without them.

Not a bad choice.