Foren » General » With analytics 360, etc. is it the end for SEO companies?


SEO companies will always come and go. It's the nature of the industry. Just because Google offers some great tools doesn't mean clients are going to have the time and inclination to use them. Going by that logic why would anyone pay for web design when there's so many great tools that allow anyone to build a website? The answer is that just like everything else, some will choose to save money and do it themselves, and many others will contract it out.

If there's any effect at all it will be to keep SEO companies from charging outrageous fees for their services.


Hello, I'll explain to you how it works! The fact that a website has been developed for you does not mean that new orders will immediately begin to come to you. It is necessary for your site to strengthen its position in the search engine and become more visited, after that you will already have potential clients. To do this, you need to contact SEO specialists , you can read more about what they do and what services they provide.


It may be difficult for a business owner to know SEO because he has to take care of many things besides marketing. Usually companies like SEO Toronto have an in-house web developer, SEO writers, link builders, and graphic designers. That's why I turned to them to promote my several projects. Google tweaks its algorithms daily and good professionals need to be aware of the new developments.


A good website needs to be fast loading and be able to convert. It's not just a web site it's the whole she-bang. From knowledgeable seo company would be able to keep up to date with algorithm changes. it takes time and knowledge to do this.