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When should I update chipset drivers?


Hi, the best you can do here is to give a try to these cool and reliable chipset drivers I respect the most. You see, DriverPack will automatically select and install the required drivers. Plus it is absolutely free of charge. I guess it means that you definitely can trust it


You should update them as soon as there is a release version with some days/weeks delay (in case of bugs).

Very good example is AMD. AMD chipset drivers increase CPU performance. That’s very important on Ryzen 3xxx and 5xxx where each CCX has its fastest core. For this to work also AMD power plan must be used!

I will suggest googling before installing to check for problems.

Also check for BIOS. This is especially true for custom build PC. Manufacturers update BIOS with additional info to support different memories, make them more stable and faster. On brands (Dell, HP) this is not so important cause their systems are closed.