Foren » General » What are licensees do I need to import coconut oil from Thailand to USA?


What are licensees do I need to import coconut oil from Thailand to USA?


Hi, I think it can be done pretty easy with the help of some trusted custom broker. I would recommend to start from getting a free consultation about custom clearance from You see. this company is specializing on such cases and can provide you with all information required. Simply give them a try. Good luck


If you want to meet FDA requirements, you need to figure out what the requirements are with regard to nutritional information and labelling.

Also, you need to make sure that the supplier gives you a product specification and analytical certificates that meets US regulation. This would probably involve obtaining a non-GMO statement from the supplier and an analysis of the oil to make sure there are not too many pesticide residues.

As for licenses. Those tend to be associated with the business side of things. You need a business license and a license that allows you to import and sell food items in the US.