Foren » General » The tenant has allowed others to occupy the property and is now gone


For a long time, the new poster was hidden. I am now helping an elderly relative (ER) with a business. ER is confused, not an internet user and not aware of the laws/rules of renting, so I'm afraid this is a pickle. Ideally, he should quit his job as a landowner. The ambulance service rents the 2-bed house to a tenant and it has now moved to a permanent lease. At some point, the property became an unregistered apartment building, as the tenant granted access to the 2nd adult. No personal data has ever been identified. It has now been revealed that the additional adult then granted access to the partner + child. Then there were 3 adults + 1 minor, presumably living in the 2-bedroom house, although it is suspected that the original tenant was elsewhere when subletting to these other people. The tenant allegedly moved out, leaving 2 "guests", but allegedly stayed to live there. The tenant has now given a verbal NTQ, but has not specified a date other than "end of month", "will inform you". ER took a deposit at the beginning of the lease, but did not register in the deposit system. The tenant was written to confirm the end of the lease / freehold, as discussed, and the claim for the rent due. The email was ignored. Thank you in advance for any opinions.


Older people are usually suspicious of any kind of documents. I went through a similar thing - solutions were found with communication, without involving the law. Patience and Good luck to you! But the most amusing story happened with my cousin Ronald. A few years ago, he rented an office room, and his landlord simply burned all the documents in an attack of dementia. Thank goodness the copies were in order and the dementia attack was gone, so everything is fine. But since then, Ronald has rented commercial office space in center city only from trusted organizations. Although this incident added to his sense of humor. Heh