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5 Unmistakable Signs Your Business Needs a Mobile App Today

Despite the explosion of the mobile market, small business owners are still wary of investing in mobile applications. Now that 58 percent of Americans own a smartphone, businesses can’t wait any longer to harness the power of mobile marketing. While building a mobile presence can be a challenge, it is a challenge filled with opportunity. Consider the benefits of a mobile app for business:

Target local customers. Data from Telmetrics reveals mobile customers are more likely to support a local business than a national brand if a mobile app creates a path-to-purchase. Investing in a mobile strategy for mobile application development services gives small businesses the unique opportunity to reach local consumers who otherwise wouldn’t have heard of the brand.

Provide better support. Consumers are looking to be engaged with brands more than ever before. Whether it’s through social media or traditional service channels, clients want their questions answered and resolved as quickly as possible. Mobile apps are an excellent platform to deliver quick support directly from the app.

Collect consumer data. If you’re primary interest is in learning how customers use your products, a mobile app could allow you to gather user information such as age, sex, spending habits, and more. The more information you have about clients, the more you can tailor offers and communications to meet their needs.

With so many benefits for small businesses and major enterprises alike, it’s time to consider investing in a mobile app. If you’re business experiences one or more of the following signs, it’s time to consider this investment.

Your Customers are Mobile

If your core customers are mobile, then why isn’t your brand? Generally, the younger a target audience, the more likely a mobile app will succeed for that business. Still, a mobile app isn’t exclusive for younger users. If it’s clear that customers are using mobile devices from software development company any time they come into your store, this provides an opportunity to use their habits to build brand loyalty. A quick market research campaign will give you an idea whether your customers might be interested.

In any given 30-day period, 30 percent of smartphone owners report they have used their mobile device to decide whether or not to visit a business. As mobile devices continue to cement themselves into our way of life, the benefits they provide cannot be underestimated. Even if your customers aren’t mobile today, who’s to say they won’t be mobile tomorrow?

You’re Overwhelmed with Customer Support

If your team is bombarded with the same service questions, it’s clear there is a customer service need . When used properly, mobile apps can close gaps in customer service by providing answers and ensuring consumers connect with your brand immediately. Aside from adding value to the consumer experience , utilizing an app for service makes brands more productive, as employees spend less time answering phones and more time handling other issues.

Since 72 percent of customers have a more positive view of a business with a service app, it’s a serious opportunity for any business to consider. Instead of taking a reactive approach to customer service, being pro-active to answer questions and issues shows consumers that you care about their experience.

Your Competitors Have an App

Even if you’re skeptical about whether your small business needs a mobile app , if competitors have one, then it’s time to consider jumping on the bandwagon. Every day that competitors have an app and you don’t is another day that would-be customers:

Learn about competitors and not about you Develop client-business relationships with competitors Spend their money elsewhere

Aside from losing potential clients, your business is also at a risk for losing productivity, since mobile apps can streamline what would otherwise be complex workflow processes. Instead of playing catch-up, it’s much easier to be ahead of the curve and lead the way with technology by software development firm see it here. Investing in a mobile app before your competitors allows you to establish real estate in the market without worrying about fighting over mobile consumers.

If your competitors already have an app, it’s not too late to catch up. The quicker you decide to invest in this opportunity, the sooner you can harness the power of mobile devices for business.

You Have an Online Store

If your business is primarily run online or if you have an online store, then a mobile app is an excellent platform to engage consumers. While it’s possible for websites to adapt to mobile devices, it’s more effective to use a mobile app to create a mobile shopping experience . Remember, technology is all about making the customer’s life easier, so a mobile app provides an option for customers on the go.

Consumers are 10 times more likely to make a purchase on a mobile app with personal offers than a generic mobile website. By creating a mobile app and coupling it with exclusive offers and coupons, you’ll have created a powerful platform that will open opportunities of growth for your business.

You’ve Seriously Considered It Before

If you’ve already considered investing in a mobile app for your business, then chances are that you definitely need one. Remember, an app opens growth potential, fills a need in your market, and serves to grow your business model. Since an app by rapid application development can boost productivity and improve the consumer experience, it’s important to harness the benefits that this opportunity provides.

Yet, just as many small businesses need a mobile app, it’s not the right option for everyone – or perhaps now just isn’t the right time. For instance, if you don’t have the money to finance a mobile app, it’s probably not worth it unless you truly need the app to grow the business in a meaningful way. If the majorеy of your customers don’t use their smartphones on a regular basis, then a mobile app would be a waste of money and resources.

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