Foren » General » Searching for a digital marketing company


If you worked with a digital marketing before and you liked it, recommend me this company. I have a big project


I know somebody, but I should ask him if he is working with big projects.


There are a lot of things to do in digital marketing. I know many companies that can offer you a lot of services. But everything depends on your project. Online marketing has many functions like contextual marketing, social media marketing, targeting, search engine optimization and many others. Usually, on this forum people need mostly search engine optimization, it is the most used and the most effective method of promoting, but it is quite expensive. I can suggest you forum backlink service, they are offering a great quality for a very good price.


Some Tip :

  1. Know your needs

Long before you begin your search for a digital marketing company, you’ve got to know what you want.Are you looking for the impeccable content creation and SEO expertise? A better social media presence? Or are you more interested in research and demographic studies?

This list might include:

Creative (from copywriting to video/multimedia production) Search engine optimization Social media management/marketing Search engine marketing Email marketing Analytics Online advertising in all its forms -- Instagram promoted posts, Facebook sponsored posts, Google AdSense, etc. Content marketing Website development/coding Marketing automation Inbound marketing Public relations Blogging 2. Know their strengths

Not all digital marketing firms are built equally and just because they might be big doesn’t mean that they’re better. If your business specializes in, say, ethnic wear, you wouldn’t necessarily want to work with a big marketing firm that mostly caters to companies outside of your niche. It may behoove you to find a digital marketing firm that fits with you, even if that means going boutique. The benefit is that they’ll already know the market and whom you’re trying to reach.

  1. Research their current work

If you think that a creative campaign, maybe something that has a playful voice, might be just the thing to start driving traffic, do some research on the tone of their marketing. If you want something a little more buttoned up, look for a firm that specializes in a more professional voice.

This applies to all facets of the marketing company as well. How is their SEO/SEM presence? Were you driven to their website because it was the first one that popped up on Google? If so, this might be a good indication that they can apply the same methods to your business. Go through their blog and check out their content. Is it what you would want stylistically? Remember, you are in the unique position to judge the firm as a customer -- the same way your customers will judge your business while the firm is handling your marketing.

To that point, what are the metrics they use to consider success? Find out the company’s methods for deducing what’s working and what’s not. You’ll want a firm that’s open about these sorts of things, this way, you won’t be left in the dark when it comes time to make these deductions yourself.