Foren » General » Recommendations for the treatment of peripheral neuropathy


Wow, so I'm not alone! People look at me like I'm making it up, not because I've told too many people about it! Yes, it's agony, but thankfully it only lasts for a few seconds.


Because of diabetes, my peripheral neuropathy has become even worse. I guess I was naive when I thought that neck pain is the worst in the world.


So happy to find someone with the same problem. Thanks for the advice! I'm sorry for posting on this thread. I know it's challenging to find people with the same issues. The struggle of having neck pain is not new to me. Especially in the morning, when I wake up, I need to stretch myself. If I don't do that, my day is ruined. My mother told me about yoga practices. She's working as an instructor at a local fitness center. Unfortunately for me, I'm having trouble with sticking to a new habit. I need to force myself in the morning to spread my yoga mat. Happily, I have a friend with the same problem, and he told me about His acupuncture practices saved me, and I'm very thankful for that.