Foren » General » Is your garage designed for parking and storage?


I have always noticed, when I walk past the houses of the neighbors, that they have more things in the garage than in the parking lots. So I was curious if your garage is a warehouse or is used for parking. I understand the use of a mix of light deposits, but I want to know if your pack is a rat that parking the car is not an option in its current state.


3 cars too...The corvette on one side (he had never seen rain) on the other. Humorous Factoid: Frank Loyd Wright hated garages so much that he refused to include them in any of his projects. He built the car doors instead. He acknowledged that people tend to collect shit in the garage, so by turning on just one car door, he forced the owner to maintain a "cleaner" lifestyle. Yes, he was a control freak. she also designed a clothing line for the ladies of one of her homes... Al Politely told him what he could do with the idea


2 years ago I had a small garage in which one car could fit, not to mention that my wife constantly forced him with all sorts of junk. So I built 3 car garage dimensions it turned out to be easier than I thought, thanks to the advice of professionals