Foren » General » Is there the chemical benzene in marijuana dabs?


I'm 22 a 23 year old male. My roommate in college smokes dabs all the time in our room. I have health anxiety after being very over weight and a smoker for 3 years. I am now healthy and haven't smoked in 8 months. Today was the last day we living together and I took a dab with him on our last day before graduation. I'm freaking out over my past benzene exposure from smoking and worried about leukemia and am wondering if there is benzene in dabs. I know there is in gas, cigarettes and weed in the bud form.


Have you not been told by your doctor what the side effects of these substances are? They wouldn't be on the market anymore if they were so harmful. And anyway, you shouldn't worry too much because I smoked dabs and everything was fine. My friend wanted to show me his best automated grow box and demonstrate the process. After the rolling was done, he gave me a try, even if my health did not allow me to smoke dabs. Due to I don't often smoke anyway, I did not experience any adverse side effects